+++ /dev/null
-# bash/zsh completion support for core Git.
-# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
-# Conceptually based on gitcompletion (http://gitweb.hawaga.org.uk/).
-# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
-# The contained completion routines provide support for completing:
-# *) local and remote branch names
-# *) local and remote tag names
-# *) .git/remotes file names
-# *) git 'subcommands'
-# *) git email aliases for git-send-email
-# *) tree paths within 'ref:path/to/file' expressions
-# *) file paths within current working directory and index
-# *) common --long-options
-# To use these routines:
-# 1) Copy this file to somewhere (e.g. ~/.git-completion.bash).
-# 2) Add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc:
-# source ~/.git-completion.bash
-# 3) Consider changing your PS1 to also show the current branch,
-# see git-prompt.sh for details.
-# If you use complex aliases of form '!f() { ... }; f', you can use the null
-# command ':' as the first command in the function body to declare the desired
-# completion style. For example '!f() { : git commit ; ... }; f' will
-# tell the completion to use commit completion. This also works with aliases
-# of form "!sh -c '...'". For example, "!sh -c ': git commit ; ... '".
-*:*) : great ;;
-# __gitdir accepts 0 or 1 arguments (i.e., location)
-# returns location of .git repo
-__gitdir ()
- if [ -z "${1-}" ]; then
- if [ -n "${__git_dir-}" ]; then
- echo "$__git_dir"
- elif [ -n "${GIT_DIR-}" ]; then
- test -d "${GIT_DIR-}" || return 1
- echo "$GIT_DIR"
- elif [ -d .git ]; then
- echo .git
- else
- git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null
- fi
- elif [ -d "$1/.git" ]; then
- echo "$1/.git"
- else
- echo "$1"
- fi
-# The following function is based on code from:
-# bash_completion - programmable completion functions for bash 3.2+
-# Copyright © 2006-2008, Ian Macdonald <ian@caliban.org>
-# © 2009-2010, Bash Completion Maintainers
-# <bash-completion-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
-# http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/
-# RELEASE: 2.x
-# This function can be used to access a tokenized list of words
-# on the command line:
-# __git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref '=:'
-# if test "${words_[cword_-1]}" = -w
-# then
-# ...
-# fi
-# The argument should be a collection of characters from the list of
-# word completion separators (COMP_WORDBREAKS) to treat as ordinary
-# characters.
-# This is roughly equivalent to going back in time and setting
-# COMP_WORDBREAKS to exclude those characters. The intent is to
-# make option types like --date=<type> and <rev>:<path> easy to
-# recognize by treating each shell word as a single token.
-# It is best not to set COMP_WORDBREAKS directly because the value is
-# shared with other completion scripts. By the time the completion
-# function gets called, COMP_WORDS has already been populated so local
-# changes to COMP_WORDBREAKS have no effect.
-# Output: words_, cword_, cur_.
- local exclude i j first
- # Which word separators to exclude?
- exclude="${1//[^$COMP_WORDBREAKS]}"
- cword_=$COMP_CWORD
- if [ -z "$exclude" ]; then
- words_=("${COMP_WORDS[@]}")
- return
- fi
- # List of word completion separators has shrunk;
- # re-assemble words to complete.
- for ((i=0, j=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++, j++)); do
- # Append each nonempty word consisting of just
- # word separator characters to the current word.
- first=t
- while
- [ $i -gt 0 ] &&
- [ -n "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" ] &&
- # word consists of excluded word separators
- [ "${COMP_WORDS[$i]//[^$exclude]}" = "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" ]
- do
- # Attach to the previous token,
- # unless the previous token is the command name.
- if [ $j -ge 2 ] && [ -n "$first" ]; then
- ((j--))
- fi
- first=
- words_[$j]=${words_[j]}${COMP_WORDS[i]}
- if [ $i = $COMP_CWORD ]; then
- cword_=$j
- fi
- if (($i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} - 1)); then
- ((i++))
- else
- # Done.
- return
- fi
- done
- words_[$j]=${words_[j]}${COMP_WORDS[i]}
- if [ $i = $COMP_CWORD ]; then
- cword_=$j
- fi
- done
-if ! type _get_comp_words_by_ref >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-_get_comp_words_by_ref ()
- local exclude cur_ words_ cword_
- if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then
- exclude=$2
- shift 2
- fi
- __git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref "$exclude"
- cur_=${words_[cword_]}
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case "$1" in
- cur)
- cur=$cur_
- ;;
- prev)
- prev=${words_[$cword_-1]}
- ;;
- words)
- words=("${words_[@]}")
- ;;
- cword)
- cword=$cword_
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
-__gitcompappend ()
- local x i=${#COMPREPLY[@]}
- for x in $1; do
- if [[ "$x" == "$3"* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY[i++]="$2$x$4"
- fi
- done
-__gitcompadd ()
- __gitcompappend "$@"
-# Generates completion reply, appending a space to possible completion words,
-# if necessary.
-# It accepts 1 to 4 arguments:
-# 1: List of possible completion words.
-# 2: A prefix to be added to each possible completion word (optional).
-# 3: Generate possible completion matches for this word (optional).
-# 4: A suffix to be appended to each possible completion word (optional).
-__gitcomp ()
- local cur_="${3-$cur}"
- case "$cur_" in
- --*=)
- ;;
- *)
- local c i=0 IFS=$' \t\n'
- for c in $1; do
- c="$c${4-}"
- if [[ $c == "$cur_"* ]]; then
- case $c in
- --*=*|*.) ;;
- *) c="$c " ;;
- esac
- COMPREPLY[i++]="${2-}$c"
- fi
- done
- ;;
- esac
-# Variation of __gitcomp_nl () that appends to the existing list of
-# completion candidates, COMPREPLY.
-__gitcomp_nl_append ()
- local IFS=$'\n'
- __gitcompappend "$1" "${2-}" "${3-$cur}" "${4- }"
-# Generates completion reply from newline-separated possible completion words
-# by appending a space to all of them.
-# It accepts 1 to 4 arguments:
-# 1: List of possible completion words, separated by a single newline.
-# 2: A prefix to be added to each possible completion word (optional).
-# 3: Generate possible completion matches for this word (optional).
-# 4: A suffix to be appended to each possible completion word instead of
-# the default space (optional). If specified but empty, nothing is
-# appended.
-__gitcomp_nl ()
- __gitcomp_nl_append "$@"
-# Generates completion reply with compgen from newline-separated possible
-# completion filenames.
-# It accepts 1 to 3 arguments:
-# 1: List of possible completion filenames, separated by a single newline.
-# 2: A directory prefix to be added to each possible completion filename
-# (optional).
-# 3: Generate possible completion matches for this word (optional).
-__gitcomp_file ()
- local IFS=$'\n'
- # XXX does not work when the directory prefix contains a tilde,
- # since tilde expansion is not applied.
- # This means that COMPREPLY will be empty and Bash default
- # completion will be used.
- __gitcompadd "$1" "${2-}" "${3-$cur}" ""
- # use a hack to enable file mode in bash < 4
- compopt -o filenames +o nospace 2>/dev/null ||
- compgen -f /non-existing-dir/ > /dev/null
-# Execute 'git ls-files', unless the --committable option is specified, in
-# which case it runs 'git diff-index' to find out the files that can be
-# committed. It return paths relative to the directory specified in the first
-# argument, and using the options specified in the second argument.
-__git_ls_files_helper ()
- if [ "$2" == "--committable" ]; then
- git -C "$1" diff-index --name-only --relative HEAD
- else
- # NOTE: $2 is not quoted in order to support multiple options
- git -C "$1" ls-files --exclude-standard $2
- fi 2>/dev/null
-# __git_index_files accepts 1 or 2 arguments:
-# 1: Options to pass to ls-files (required).
-# 2: A directory path (optional).
-# If provided, only files within the specified directory are listed.
-# Sub directories are never recursed. Path must have a trailing
-# slash.
-__git_index_files ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)" root="${2-.}" file
- if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
- __git_ls_files_helper "$root" "$1" |
- while read -r file; do
- case "$file" in
- ?*/*) echo "${file%%/*}" ;;
- *) echo "$file" ;;
- esac
- done | sort | uniq
- fi
-__git_heads ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)"
- if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
- git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \
- refs/heads
- return
- fi
-__git_tags ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)"
- if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
- git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \
- refs/tags
- return
- fi
-# __git_refs accepts 0, 1 (to pass to __gitdir), or 2 arguments
-# presence of 2nd argument means use the guess heuristic employed
-# by checkout for tracking branches
-__git_refs ()
- local i hash dir="$(__gitdir "${1-}")" track="${2-}"
- local format refs
- if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
- case "$cur" in
- refs|refs/*)
- format="refname"
- refs="${cur%/*}"
- track=""
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -e "$dir/$i" ]; then echo $i; fi
- done
- format="refname:short"
- refs="refs/tags refs/heads refs/remotes"
- ;;
- esac
- git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format="%($format)" \
- $refs
- if [ -n "$track" ]; then
- # employ the heuristic used by git checkout
- # Try to find a remote branch that matches the completion word
- # but only output if the branch name is unique
- local ref entry
- git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --shell --format="ref=%(refname:short)" \
- "refs/remotes/" | \
- while read -r entry; do
- eval "$entry"
- ref="${ref#*/}"
- if [[ "$ref" == "$cur"* ]]; then
- echo "$ref"
- fi
- done | sort | uniq -u
- fi
- return
- fi
- case "$cur" in
- refs|refs/*)
- git ls-remote "$dir" "$cur*" 2>/dev/null | \
- while read -r hash i; do
- case "$i" in
- *^{}) ;;
- *) echo "$i" ;;
- esac
- done
- ;;
- *)
- echo "HEAD"
- git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short)" -- \
- "refs/remotes/$dir/" 2>/dev/null | sed -e "s#^$dir/##"
- ;;
- esac
-# __git_refs2 requires 1 argument (to pass to __git_refs)
-__git_refs2 ()
- local i
- for i in $(__git_refs "$1"); do
- echo "$i:$i"
- done
-# __git_refs_remotes requires 1 argument (to pass to ls-remote)
-__git_refs_remotes ()
- local i hash
- git ls-remote "$1" 'refs/heads/*' 2>/dev/null | \
- while read -r hash i; do
- echo "$i:refs/remotes/$1/${i#refs/heads/}"
- done
-__git_remotes ()
- local d="$(__gitdir)"
- test -d "$d/remotes" && ls -1 "$d/remotes"
- git --git-dir="$d" remote
-__git_list_merge_strategies ()
- git merge -s help 2>&1 |
- sed -n -e '/[Aa]vailable strategies are: /,/^$/{
- s/\.$//
- s/.*://
- s/^[ ]*//
- s/[ ]*$//
- p
- }'
-# 'git merge -s help' (and thus detection of the merge strategy
-# list) fails, unfortunately, if run outside of any git working
-# tree. __git_merge_strategies is set to the empty string in
-# that case, and the detection will be repeated the next time it
-# is needed.
-__git_compute_merge_strategies ()
- test -n "$__git_merge_strategies" ||
- __git_merge_strategies=$(__git_list_merge_strategies)
-__git_complete_revlist_file ()
- local pfx ls ref cur_="$cur"
- case "$cur_" in
- *..?*:*)
- return
- ;;
- ?*:*)
- ref="${cur_%%:*}"
- cur_="${cur_#*:}"
- case "$cur_" in
- ?*/*)
- pfx="${cur_%/*}"
- cur_="${cur_##*/}"
- ls="$ref:$pfx"
- pfx="$pfx/"
- ;;
- *)
- ls="$ref"
- ;;
- esac
- case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in
- *:*) : great ;;
- *) pfx="$ref:$pfx" ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" ls-tree "$ls" 2>/dev/null \
- | sed '/^100... blob /{
- s,^.* ,,
- s,$, ,
- }
- /^120000 blob /{
- s,^.* ,,
- s,$, ,
- }
- /^040000 tree /{
- s,^.* ,,
- s,$,/,
- }
- s/^.* //')" \
- "$pfx" "$cur_" ""
- ;;
- *...*)
- pfx="${cur_%...*}..."
- cur_="${cur_#*...}"
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- ;;
- *..*)
- pfx="${cur_%..*}.."
- cur_="${cur_#*..}"
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- ;;
- esac
-# __git_complete_index_file requires 1 argument:
-# 1: the options to pass to ls-file
-# The exception is --committable, which finds the files appropriate commit.
-__git_complete_index_file ()
- local pfx="" cur_="$cur"
- case "$cur_" in
- ?*/*)
- pfx="${cur_%/*}"
- cur_="${cur_##*/}"
- pfx="${pfx}/"
- ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp_file "$(__git_index_files "$1" ${pfx:+"$pfx"})" "$pfx" "$cur_"
-__git_complete_file ()
- __git_complete_revlist_file
-__git_complete_revlist ()
- __git_complete_revlist_file
-__git_complete_remote_or_refspec ()
- local cur_="$cur" cmd="${words[1]}"
- local i c=2 remote="" pfx="" lhs=1 no_complete_refspec=0
- if [ "$cmd" = "remote" ]; then
- ((c++))
- fi
- while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
- i="${words[c]}"
- case "$i" in
- --mirror) [ "$cmd" = "push" ] && no_complete_refspec=1 ;;
- --all)
- case "$cmd" in
- push) no_complete_refspec=1 ;;
- fetch)
- return
- ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
- ;;
- -*) ;;
- *) remote="$i"; break ;;
- esac
- ((c++))
- done
- if [ -z "$remote" ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
- return
- fi
- if [ $no_complete_refspec = 1 ]; then
- return
- fi
- [ "$remote" = "." ] && remote=
- case "$cur_" in
- *:*)
- case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in
- *:*) : great ;;
- *) pfx="${cur_%%:*}:" ;;
- esac
- cur_="${cur_#*:}"
- lhs=0
- ;;
- +*)
- pfx="+"
- cur_="${cur_#+}"
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cmd" in
- fetch)
- if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs2 "$remote")" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- else
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- fi
- ;;
- pull|remote)
- if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs "$remote")" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- else
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- fi
- ;;
- push)
- if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- else
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs "$remote")" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-__git_complete_strategy ()
- __git_compute_merge_strategies
- case "$prev" in
- -s|--strategy)
- __gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies"
- return 0
- esac
- case "$cur" in
- --strategy=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies" "" "${cur##--strategy=}"
- return 0
- ;;
- esac
- return 1
-__git_commands () {
- then
- else
- git help -a|egrep '^ [a-zA-Z0-9]'
- fi
-__git_list_all_commands ()
- local i IFS=" "$'\n'
- for i in $(__git_commands)
- do
- case $i in
- *--*) : helper pattern;;
- *) echo $i;;
- esac
- done
-__git_compute_all_commands ()
- test -n "$__git_all_commands" ||
- __git_all_commands=$(__git_list_all_commands)
-__git_list_porcelain_commands ()
- local i IFS=" "$'\n'
- __git_compute_all_commands
- for i in $__git_all_commands
- do
- case $i in
- *--*) : helper pattern;;
- applymbox) : ask gittus;;
- applypatch) : ask gittus;;
- archimport) : import;;
- cat-file) : plumbing;;
- check-attr) : plumbing;;
- check-ignore) : plumbing;;
- check-mailmap) : plumbing;;
- check-ref-format) : plumbing;;
- checkout-index) : plumbing;;
- column) : internal helper;;
- commit-tree) : plumbing;;
- count-objects) : infrequent;;
- credential) : credentials;;
- credential-*) : credentials helper;;
- cvsexportcommit) : export;;
- cvsimport) : import;;
- cvsserver) : daemon;;
- daemon) : daemon;;
- diff-files) : plumbing;;
- diff-index) : plumbing;;
- diff-tree) : plumbing;;
- fast-import) : import;;
- fast-export) : export;;
- fsck-objects) : plumbing;;
- fetch-pack) : plumbing;;
- fmt-merge-msg) : plumbing;;
- for-each-ref) : plumbing;;
- hash-object) : plumbing;;
- http-*) : transport;;
- index-pack) : plumbing;;
- init-db) : deprecated;;
- local-fetch) : plumbing;;
- ls-files) : plumbing;;
- ls-remote) : plumbing;;
- ls-tree) : plumbing;;
- mailinfo) : plumbing;;
- mailsplit) : plumbing;;
- merge-*) : plumbing;;
- mktree) : plumbing;;
- mktag) : plumbing;;
- pack-objects) : plumbing;;
- pack-redundant) : plumbing;;
- pack-refs) : plumbing;;
- parse-remote) : plumbing;;
- patch-id) : plumbing;;
- prune) : plumbing;;
- prune-packed) : plumbing;;
- quiltimport) : import;;
- read-tree) : plumbing;;
- receive-pack) : plumbing;;
- remote-*) : transport;;
- rerere) : plumbing;;
- rev-list) : plumbing;;
- rev-parse) : plumbing;;
- runstatus) : plumbing;;
- sh-setup) : internal;;
- shell) : daemon;;
- show-ref) : plumbing;;
- send-pack) : plumbing;;
- show-index) : plumbing;;
- ssh-*) : transport;;
- stripspace) : plumbing;;
- symbolic-ref) : plumbing;;
- unpack-file) : plumbing;;
- unpack-objects) : plumbing;;
- update-index) : plumbing;;
- update-ref) : plumbing;;
- update-server-info) : daemon;;
- upload-archive) : plumbing;;
- upload-pack) : plumbing;;
- write-tree) : plumbing;;
- var) : infrequent;;
- verify-pack) : infrequent;;
- verify-tag) : plumbing;;
- *) echo $i;;
- esac
- done
-__git_compute_porcelain_commands ()
- test -n "$__git_porcelain_commands" ||
- __git_porcelain_commands=$(__git_list_porcelain_commands)
-# Lists all set config variables starting with the given section prefix,
-# with the prefix removed.
-__git_get_config_variables ()
- local section="$1" i IFS=$'\n'
- for i in $(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" config --name-only --get-regexp "^$section\..*" 2>/dev/null); do
- echo "${i#$section.}"
- done
-__git_pretty_aliases ()
- __git_get_config_variables "pretty"
-__git_aliases ()
- __git_get_config_variables "alias"
-# __git_aliased_command requires 1 argument
-__git_aliased_command ()
- local word cmdline=$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" \
- config --get "alias.$1")
- for word in $cmdline; do
- case "$word" in
- \!gitk|gitk)
- echo "gitk"
- return
- ;;
- \!*) : shell command alias ;;
- -*) : option ;;
- *=*) : setting env ;;
- git) : git itself ;;
- \(\)) : skip parens of shell function definition ;;
- {) : skip start of shell helper function ;;
- :) : skip null command ;;
- \'*) : skip opening quote after sh -c ;;
- *)
- echo "$word"
- return
- esac
- done
-# __git_find_on_cmdline requires 1 argument
-__git_find_on_cmdline ()
- local word subcommand c=1
- while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
- word="${words[c]}"
- for subcommand in $1; do
- if [ "$subcommand" = "$word" ]; then
- echo "$subcommand"
- return
- fi
- done
- ((c++))
- done
-__git_has_doubledash ()
- local c=1
- while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
- if [ "--" = "${words[c]}" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- ((c++))
- done
- return 1
-# Try to count non option arguments passed on the command line for the
-# specified git command.
-# When options are used, it is necessary to use the special -- option to
-# tell the implementation were non option arguments begin.
-# XXX this can not be improved, since options can appear everywhere, as
-# an example:
-# git mv x -n y
-# __git_count_arguments requires 1 argument: the git command executed.
-__git_count_arguments ()
- local word i c=0
- # Skip "git" (first argument)
- for ((i=1; i < ${#words[@]}; i++)); do
- word="${words[i]}"
- case "$word" in
- --)
- # Good; we can assume that the following are only non
- # option arguments.
- ((c = 0))
- ;;
- "$1")
- # Skip the specified git command and discard git
- # main options
- ((c = 0))
- ;;
- ?*)
- ((c++))
- ;;
- esac
- done
- printf "%d" $c
-__git_whitespacelist="nowarn warn error error-all fix"
-_git_am ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)"
- if [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ]; then
- __gitcomp "--skip --continue --resolved --abort"
- return
- fi
- case "$cur" in
- --whitespace=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --3way --committer-date-is-author-date --ignore-date
- --ignore-whitespace --ignore-space-change
- --interactive --keep --no-utf8 --signoff --utf8
- --whitespace= --scissors
- "
- return
- esac
-_git_apply ()
- case "$cur" in
- --whitespace=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --stat --numstat --summary --check --index
- --cached --index-info --reverse --reject --unidiff-zero
- --apply --no-add --exclude=
- --ignore-whitespace --ignore-space-change
- --whitespace= --inaccurate-eof --verbose
- "
- return
- esac
-_git_add ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --interactive --refresh --patch --update --dry-run
- --ignore-errors --intent-to-add
- "
- return
- esac
- # XXX should we check for --update and --all options ?
- __git_complete_index_file "--others --modified --directory --no-empty-directory"
-_git_archive ()
- case "$cur" in
- --format=*)
- __gitcomp "$(git archive --list)" "" "${cur##--format=}"
- return
- ;;
- --remote=*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "${cur##--remote=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --format= --list --verbose
- --prefix= --remote= --exec=
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_file
-_git_bisect ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- local subcommands="start bad good skip reset visualize replay log run"
- local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
- if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
- if [ -f "$(__gitdir)"/BISECT_START ]; then
- __gitcomp "$subcommands"
- else
- __gitcomp "replay start"
- fi
- return
- fi
- case "$subcommand" in
- bad|good|reset|skip|start)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
-_git_branch ()
- local i c=1 only_local_ref="n" has_r="n"
- while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
- i="${words[c]}"
- case "$i" in
- -d|-m) only_local_ref="y" ;;
- -r) has_r="y" ;;
- esac
- ((c++))
- done
- case "$cur" in
- --set-upstream-to=*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur##--set-upstream-to=}"
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --color --no-color --verbose --abbrev= --no-abbrev
- --track --no-track --contains --merged --no-merged
- --set-upstream-to= --edit-description --list
- --unset-upstream
- "
- ;;
- *)
- if [ $only_local_ref = "y" -a $has_r = "n" ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_heads)"
- else
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-_git_bundle ()
- local cmd="${words[2]}"
- case "$cword" in
- 2)
- __gitcomp "create list-heads verify unbundle"
- ;;
- 3)
- # looking for a file
- ;;
- *)
- case "$cmd" in
- create)
- __git_complete_revlist
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
-_git_checkout ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --conflict=*)
- __gitcomp "diff3 merge" "" "${cur##--conflict=}"
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --quiet --ours --theirs --track --no-track --merge
- --conflict= --orphan --patch
- "
- ;;
- *)
- # check if --track, --no-track, or --no-guess was specified
- # if so, disable DWIM mode
- local flags="--track --no-track --no-guess" track=1
- if [ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$flags")" ]; then
- track=''
- fi
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs '' $track)"
- ;;
- esac
-_git_cherry ()
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_cherry_pick ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)"
- if [ -f "$dir"/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ]; then
- __gitcomp "--continue --quit --abort"
- return
- fi
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--edit --no-commit --signoff --strategy= --mainline"
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- ;;
- esac
-_git_clean ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--dry-run --quiet"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- # XXX should we check for -x option ?
- __git_complete_index_file "--others --directory"
-_git_clone ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --local
- --no-hardlinks
- --shared
- --reference
- --quiet
- --no-checkout
- --bare
- --mirror
- --origin
- --upload-pack
- --template=
- --depth
- --single-branch
- --branch
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
-_git_commit ()
- case "$prev" in
- -c|-C)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur}"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cur" in
- --cleanup=*)
- __gitcomp "default scissors strip verbatim whitespace
- " "" "${cur##--cleanup=}"
- return
- ;;
- --reuse-message=*|--reedit-message=*|\
- --fixup=*|--squash=*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur#*=}"
- return
- ;;
- --untracked-files=*)
- __gitcomp "all no normal" "" "${cur##--untracked-files=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --all --author= --signoff --verify --no-verify
- --edit --no-edit
- --amend --include --only --interactive
- --dry-run --reuse-message= --reedit-message=
- --reset-author --file= --message= --template=
- --cleanup= --untracked-files --untracked-files=
- --verbose --quiet --fixup= --squash=
- "
- return
- esac
- if git rev-parse --verify --quiet HEAD >/dev/null; then
- __git_complete_index_file "--committable"
- else
- # This is the first commit
- __git_complete_index_file "--cached"
- fi
-_git_describe ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --all --tags --contains --abbrev= --candidates=
- --exact-match --debug --long --match --always
- "
- return
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-__git_diff_algorithms="myers minimal patience histogram"
-__git_diff_common_options="--stat --numstat --shortstat --summary
- --patch-with-stat --name-only --name-status --color
- --no-color --color-words --no-renames --check
- --full-index --binary --abbrev --diff-filter=
- --find-copies-harder
- --text --ignore-space-at-eol --ignore-space-change
- --ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines --exit-code
- --quiet --ext-diff --no-ext-diff
- --no-prefix --src-prefix= --dst-prefix=
- --inter-hunk-context=
- --patience --histogram --minimal
- --raw --word-diff --word-diff-regex=
- --dirstat --dirstat= --dirstat-by-file
- --dirstat-by-file= --cumulative
- --diff-algorithm=
-_git_diff ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --diff-algorithm=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_diff_algorithms" "" "${cur##--diff-algorithm=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--cached --staged --pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
- --base --ours --theirs --no-index
- $__git_diff_common_options
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist_file
-__git_mergetools_common="diffuse diffmerge ecmerge emerge kdiff3 meld opendiff
- tkdiff vimdiff gvimdiff xxdiff araxis p4merge bc codecompare
-_git_difftool ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --tool=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_mergetools_common kompare" "" "${cur##--tool=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--cached --staged --pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
- --base --ours --theirs
- --no-renames --diff-filter= --find-copies-harder
- --relative --ignore-submodules
- --tool="
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist_file
-__git_fetch_recurse_submodules="yes on-demand no"
- --quiet --verbose --append --upload-pack --force --keep --depth=
- --tags --no-tags --all --prune --dry-run --recurse-submodules=
-_git_fetch ()
- case "$cur" in
- --recurse-submodules=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_fetch_recurse_submodules" "" "${cur##--recurse-submodules=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_fetch_options"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_remote_or_refspec
- --stdout --attach --no-attach --thread --thread= --no-thread
- --numbered --start-number --numbered-files --keep-subject --signoff
- --signature --no-signature --in-reply-to= --cc= --full-index --binary
- --not --all --cover-letter --no-prefix --src-prefix= --dst-prefix=
- --inline --suffix= --ignore-if-in-upstream --subject-prefix=
- --output-directory --reroll-count --to= --quiet --notes
-_git_format_patch ()
- case "$cur" in
- --thread=*)
- __gitcomp "
- deep shallow
- " "" "${cur##--thread=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_format_patch_options"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist
-_git_fsck ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --tags --root --unreachable --cache --no-reflogs --full
- --strict --verbose --lost-found
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
-_git_gc ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--prune --aggressive"
- return
- ;;
- esac
-_git_gitk ()
- _gitk
-__git_match_ctag() {
- awk "/^${1//\//\\/}/ { print \$1 }" "$2"
-_git_grep ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --cached
- --text --ignore-case --word-regexp --invert-match
- --full-name --line-number
- --extended-regexp --basic-regexp --fixed-strings
- --perl-regexp
- --threads
- --files-with-matches --name-only
- --files-without-match
- --max-depth
- --count
- --and --or --not --all-match
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cword,$prev" in
- 2,*|*,-*)
- if test -r tags; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_match_ctag "$cur" tags)"
- return
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_help ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--all --guides --info --man --web"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_compute_all_commands
- __gitcomp "$__git_all_commands $(__git_aliases)
- attributes cli core-tutorial cvs-migration
- diffcore everyday gitk glossary hooks ignore modules
- namespaces repository-layout revisions tutorial tutorial-2
- workflows
- "
-_git_init ()
- case "$cur" in
- --shared=*)
- __gitcomp "
- false true umask group all world everybody
- " "" "${cur##--shared=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--quiet --bare --template= --shared --shared="
- return
- ;;
- esac
-_git_ls_files ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--cached --deleted --modified --others --ignored
- --stage --directory --no-empty-directory --unmerged
- --killed --exclude= --exclude-from=
- --exclude-per-directory= --exclude-standard
- --error-unmatch --with-tree= --full-name
- --abbrev --ignored --exclude-per-directory
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- # XXX ignore options like --modified and always suggest all cached
- # files.
- __git_complete_index_file "--cached"
-_git_ls_remote ()
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
-_git_ls_tree ()
- __git_complete_file
-# Options that go well for log, shortlog and gitk
- --not --all
- --branches --tags --remotes
- --first-parent --merges --no-merges
- --max-count=
- --max-age= --since= --after=
- --min-age= --until= --before=
- --min-parents= --max-parents=
- --no-min-parents --no-max-parents
-# Options that go well for log and gitk (not shortlog)
- --dense --sparse --full-history
- --simplify-merges --simplify-by-decoration
- --left-right --notes --no-notes
-# Options that go well for log and shortlog (not gitk)
- --author= --committer= --grep=
- --all-match --invert-grep
-__git_log_pretty_formats="oneline short medium full fuller email raw format:"
-__git_log_date_formats="relative iso8601 rfc2822 short local default raw"
-_git_log ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- local g="$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)"
- local merge=""
- if [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then
- merge="--merge"
- fi
- case "$cur" in
- --pretty=*|--format=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases)
- " "" "${cur#*=}"
- return
- ;;
- --date=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats" "" "${cur##--date=}"
- return
- ;;
- --decorate=*)
- __gitcomp "full short no" "" "${cur##--decorate=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- $__git_log_common_options
- $__git_log_shortlog_options
- $__git_log_gitk_options
- --root --topo-order --date-order --reverse
- --follow --full-diff
- --abbrev-commit --abbrev=
- --relative-date --date=
- --pretty= --format= --oneline
- --show-signature
- --cherry-mark
- --cherry-pick
- --graph
- --decorate --decorate=
- --walk-reflogs
- --parents --children
- $merge
- $__git_diff_common_options
- --pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist
-# Common merge options shared by git-merge(1) and git-pull(1).
- --no-commit --no-stat --log --no-log --squash --strategy
- --commit --stat --no-squash --ff --no-ff --ff-only --edit --no-edit
- --verify-signatures --no-verify-signatures --gpg-sign
- --quiet --verbose --progress --no-progress
-_git_merge ()
- __git_complete_strategy && return
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_merge_options
- --rerere-autoupdate --no-rerere-autoupdate --abort"
- return
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_mergetool ()
- case "$cur" in
- --tool=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_mergetools_common tortoisemerge" "" "${cur##--tool=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--tool="
- return
- ;;
- esac
-_git_merge_base ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--octopus --independent --is-ancestor --fork-point"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_mv ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--dry-run"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- if [ $(__git_count_arguments "mv") -gt 0 ]; then
- # We need to show both cached and untracked files (including
- # empty directories) since this may not be the last argument.
- __git_complete_index_file "--cached --others --directory"
- else
- __git_complete_index_file "--cached"
- fi
-_git_name_rev ()
- __gitcomp "--tags --all --stdin"
-_git_notes ()
- local subcommands='add append copy edit list prune remove show'
- local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
- case "$subcommand,$cur" in
- ,--*)
- __gitcomp '--ref'
- ;;
- ,*)
- case "$prev" in
- --ref)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp "$subcommands --ref"
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- add,--reuse-message=*|append,--reuse-message=*|\
- add,--reedit-message=*|append,--reedit-message=*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur#*=}"
- ;;
- add,--*|append,--*)
- __gitcomp '--file= --message= --reedit-message=
- --reuse-message='
- ;;
- copy,--*)
- __gitcomp '--stdin'
- ;;
- prune,--*)
- __gitcomp '--dry-run --verbose'
- ;;
- prune,*)
- ;;
- *)
- case "$prev" in
- -m|-F)
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
-_git_pull ()
- __git_complete_strategy && return
- case "$cur" in
- --recurse-submodules=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_fetch_recurse_submodules" "" "${cur##--recurse-submodules=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --rebase --no-rebase
- $__git_merge_options
- $__git_fetch_options
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_remote_or_refspec
-__git_push_recurse_submodules="check on-demand"
-__git_complete_force_with_lease ()
- local cur_=$1
- case "$cur_" in
- --*=)
- ;;
- *:*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "" "${cur_#*:}"
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)" "" "$cur_"
- ;;
- esac
-_git_push ()
- case "$prev" in
- --repo)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
- return
- ;;
- --recurse-submodules)
- __gitcomp "$__git_push_recurse_submodules"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cur" in
- --repo=*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "${cur##--repo=}"
- return
- ;;
- --recurse-submodules=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_push_recurse_submodules" "" "${cur##--recurse-submodules=}"
- return
- ;;
- --force-with-lease=*)
- __git_complete_force_with_lease "${cur##--force-with-lease=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --all --mirror --tags --dry-run --force --verbose
- --quiet --prune --delete --follow-tags
- --receive-pack= --repo= --set-upstream
- --force-with-lease --force-with-lease= --recurse-submodules=
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_remote_or_refspec
-_git_rebase ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)"
- if [ -f "$dir"/rebase-merge/interactive ]; then
- __gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort --edit-todo"
- return
- elif [ -d "$dir"/rebase-apply ] || [ -d "$dir"/rebase-merge ]; then
- __gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort"
- return
- fi
- __git_complete_strategy && return
- case "$cur" in
- --whitespace=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --onto --merge --strategy --interactive
- --preserve-merges --stat --no-stat
- --committer-date-is-author-date --ignore-date
- --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=
- --autosquash --no-autosquash
- --fork-point --no-fork-point
- --autostash --no-autostash
- --verify --no-verify
- --keep-empty --root --force-rebase --no-ff
- --exec
- "
- return
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_reflog ()
- local subcommands="show delete expire"
- local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
- if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
- __gitcomp "$subcommands"
- else
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- fi
-__git_send_email_confirm_options="always never auto cc compose"
-__git_send_email_suppresscc_options="author self cc bodycc sob cccmd body all"
-_git_send_email ()
- case "$prev" in
- --to|--cc|--bcc|--from)
- __gitcomp "
- $(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" send-email --dump-aliases 2>/dev/null)
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cur" in
- --confirm=*)
- __gitcomp "
- $__git_send_email_confirm_options
- " "" "${cur##--confirm=}"
- return
- ;;
- --suppress-cc=*)
- __gitcomp "
- $__git_send_email_suppresscc_options
- " "" "${cur##--suppress-cc=}"
- return
- ;;
- --smtp-encryption=*)
- __gitcomp "ssl tls" "" "${cur##--smtp-encryption=}"
- return
- ;;
- --thread=*)
- __gitcomp "
- deep shallow
- " "" "${cur##--thread=}"
- return
- ;;
- --to=*|--cc=*|--bcc=*|--from=*)
- __gitcomp "
- $(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" send-email --dump-aliases 2>/dev/null)
- " "" "${cur#--*=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--annotate --bcc --cc --cc-cmd --chain-reply-to
- --compose --confirm= --dry-run --envelope-sender
- --from --identity
- --in-reply-to --no-chain-reply-to --no-signed-off-by-cc
- --no-suppress-from --no-thread --quiet
- --signed-off-by-cc --smtp-pass --smtp-server
- --smtp-server-port --smtp-encryption= --smtp-user
- --subject --suppress-cc= --suppress-from --thread --to
- --validate --no-validate
- $__git_format_patch_options"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist
-_git_stage ()
- _git_add
-__git_config_get_set_variables ()
- local prevword word config_file= c=$cword
- while [ $c -gt 1 ]; do
- word="${words[c]}"
- case "$word" in
- --system|--global|--local|--file=*)
- config_file="$word"
- break
- ;;
- -f|--file)
- config_file="$word $prevword"
- break
- ;;
- esac
- prevword=$word
- c=$((--c))
- done
- git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" config $config_file --name-only --list 2>/dev/null
-_git_config ()
- case "$prev" in
- branch.*.remote|branch.*.pushremote)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
- return
- ;;
- branch.*.merge)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- return
- ;;
- branch.*.rebase)
- __gitcomp "false true preserve interactive"
- return
- ;;
- remote.pushdefault)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
- return
- ;;
- remote.*.fetch)
- local remote="${prev#remote.}"
- remote="${remote%.fetch}"
- if [ -z "$cur" ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "refs/heads/" "" "" ""
- return
- fi
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs_remotes "$remote")"
- return
- ;;
- remote.*.push)
- local remote="${prev#remote.}"
- remote="${remote%.push}"
- __gitcomp_nl "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" \
- for-each-ref --format='%(refname):%(refname)' \
- refs/heads)"
- return
- ;;
- pull.twohead|pull.octopus)
- __git_compute_merge_strategies
- __gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies"
- return
- ;;
- color.branch|color.diff|color.interactive|\
- color.showbranch|color.status|color.ui)
- __gitcomp "always never auto"
- return
- ;;
- color.pager)
- __gitcomp "false true"
- return
- ;;
- color.*.*)
- __gitcomp "
- normal black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
- bold dim ul blink reverse
- "
- return
- ;;
- diff.submodule)
- __gitcomp "log short"
- return
- ;;
- help.format)
- __gitcomp "man info web html"
- return
- ;;
- log.date)
- __gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats"
- return
- ;;
- sendemail.aliasesfiletype)
- __gitcomp "mutt mailrc pine elm gnus"
- return
- ;;
- sendemail.confirm)
- __gitcomp "$__git_send_email_confirm_options"
- return
- ;;
- sendemail.suppresscc)
- __gitcomp "$__git_send_email_suppresscc_options"
- return
- ;;
- sendemail.transferencoding)
- __gitcomp "7bit 8bit quoted-printable base64"
- return
- ;;
- --get|--get-all|--unset|--unset-all)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_config_get_set_variables)"
- return
- ;;
- *.*)
- return
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --system --global --local --file=
- --list --replace-all
- --get --get-all --get-regexp
- --add --unset --unset-all
- --remove-section --rename-section
- --name-only
- "
- return
- ;;
- branch.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "remote pushremote merge mergeoptions rebase" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- branch.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur#*.}"
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_heads)" "$pfx" "$cur_" "."
- __gitcomp_nl_append $'autosetupmerge\nautosetuprebase\n' "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- guitool.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "
- argprompt cmd confirm needsfile noconsole norescan
- prompt revprompt revunmerged title
- " "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- difftool.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- man.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- mergetool.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "cmd path trustExitCode" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- pager.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur#*.}"
- __git_compute_all_commands
- __gitcomp_nl "$__git_all_commands" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- remote.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "
- url proxy fetch push mirror skipDefaultUpdate
- receivepack uploadpack tagopt pushurl
- " "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- remote.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur#*.}"
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "$pfx" "$cur_" "."
- __gitcomp_nl_append "pushdefault" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- url.*.*)
- local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
- __gitcomp "insteadOf pushInsteadOf" "$pfx" "$cur_"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp "
- add.ignoreErrors
- advice.commitBeforeMerge
- advice.detachedHead
- advice.implicitIdentity
- advice.pushNonFastForward
- advice.resolveConflict
- advice.statusHints
- alias.
- am.keepcr
- apply.ignorewhitespace
- apply.whitespace
- branch.autosetupmerge
- branch.autosetuprebase
- browser.
- clean.requireForce
- color.branch
- color.branch.current
- color.branch.local
- color.branch.plain
- color.branch.remote
- color.decorate.HEAD
- color.decorate.branch
- color.decorate.remoteBranch
- color.decorate.stash
- color.decorate.tag
- color.diff
- color.diff.commit
- color.diff.frag
- color.diff.func
- color.diff.meta
- color.diff.new
- color.diff.old
- color.diff.plain
- color.diff.whitespace
- color.grep
- color.grep.context
- color.grep.filename
- color.grep.function
- color.grep.linenumber
- color.grep.match
- color.grep.selected
- color.grep.separator
- color.interactive
- color.interactive.error
- color.interactive.header
- color.interactive.help
- color.interactive.prompt
- color.pager
- color.showbranch
- color.status
- color.status.added
- color.status.changed
- color.status.header
- color.status.nobranch
- color.status.unmerged
- color.status.untracked
- color.status.updated
- color.ui
- commit.status
- commit.template
- core.abbrev
- core.askpass
- core.attributesfile
- core.autocrlf
- core.bare
- core.bigFileThreshold
- core.compression
- core.createObject
- core.deltaBaseCacheLimit
- core.editor
- core.eol
- core.excludesfile
- core.fileMode
- core.fsyncobjectfiles
- core.gitProxy
- core.ignoreStat
- core.ignorecase
- core.logAllRefUpdates
- core.loosecompression
- core.notesRef
- core.packedGitLimit
- core.packedGitWindowSize
- core.pager
- core.preferSymlinkRefs
- core.preloadindex
- core.quotepath
- core.repositoryFormatVersion
- core.safecrlf
- core.sharedRepository
- core.sparseCheckout
- core.symlinks
- core.trustctime
- core.untrackedCache
- core.warnAmbiguousRefs
- core.whitespace
- core.worktree
- diff.autorefreshindex
- diff.external
- diff.ignoreSubmodules
- diff.mnemonicprefix
- diff.noprefix
- diff.renameLimit
- diff.renames
- diff.statGraphWidth
- diff.submodule
- diff.suppressBlankEmpty
- diff.tool
- diff.wordRegex
- diff.algorithm
- difftool.
- difftool.prompt
- fetch.recurseSubmodules
- fetch.unpackLimit
- format.attach
- format.cc
- format.coverLetter
- format.headers
- format.numbered
- format.pretty
- format.signature
- format.signoff
- format.subjectprefix
- format.suffix
- format.thread
- format.to
- gc.
- gc.aggressiveWindow
- gc.auto
- gc.autopacklimit
- gc.packrefs
- gc.pruneexpire
- gc.reflogexpire
- gc.reflogexpireunreachable
- gc.rerereresolved
- gc.rerereunresolved
- gitcvs.allbinary
- gitcvs.commitmsgannotation
- gitcvs.dbTableNamePrefix
- gitcvs.dbdriver
- gitcvs.dbname
- gitcvs.dbpass
- gitcvs.dbuser
- gitcvs.enabled
- gitcvs.logfile
- gitcvs.usecrlfattr
- guitool.
- gui.blamehistoryctx
- gui.commitmsgwidth
- gui.copyblamethreshold
- gui.diffcontext
- gui.encoding
- gui.fastcopyblame
- gui.matchtrackingbranch
- gui.newbranchtemplate
- gui.pruneduringfetch
- gui.spellingdictionary
- gui.trustmtime
- help.autocorrect
- help.browser
- help.format
- http.lowSpeedLimit
- http.lowSpeedTime
- http.maxRequests
- http.minSessions
- http.noEPSV
- http.postBuffer
- http.proxy
- http.sslCipherList
- http.sslVersion
- http.sslCAInfo
- http.sslCAPath
- http.sslCert
- http.sslCertPasswordProtected
- http.sslKey
- http.sslVerify
- http.useragent
- i18n.commitEncoding
- i18n.logOutputEncoding
- imap.authMethod
- imap.folder
- imap.host
- imap.pass
- imap.port
- imap.preformattedHTML
- imap.sslverify
- imap.tunnel
- imap.user
- init.templatedir
- instaweb.browser
- instaweb.httpd
- instaweb.local
- instaweb.modulepath
- instaweb.port
- interactive.singlekey
- log.date
- log.decorate
- log.showroot
- mailmap.file
- man.
- man.viewer
- merge.
- merge.conflictstyle
- merge.log
- merge.renameLimit
- merge.renormalize
- merge.stat
- merge.tool
- merge.verbosity
- mergetool.
- mergetool.keepBackup
- mergetool.keepTemporaries
- mergetool.prompt
- notes.displayRef
- notes.rewrite.
- notes.rewrite.amend
- notes.rewrite.rebase
- notes.rewriteMode
- notes.rewriteRef
- pack.compression
- pack.deltaCacheLimit
- pack.deltaCacheSize
- pack.depth
- pack.indexVersion
- pack.packSizeLimit
- pack.threads
- pack.window
- pack.windowMemory
- pager.
- pretty.
- pull.octopus
- pull.twohead
- push.default
- push.followTags
- rebase.autosquash
- rebase.stat
- receive.autogc
- receive.denyCurrentBranch
- receive.denyDeleteCurrent
- receive.denyDeletes
- receive.denyNonFastForwards
- receive.fsckObjects
- receive.unpackLimit
- receive.updateserverinfo
- remote.pushdefault
- remotes.
- repack.usedeltabaseoffset
- rerere.autoupdate
- rerere.enabled
- sendemail.
- sendemail.aliasesfile
- sendemail.aliasfiletype
- sendemail.bcc
- sendemail.cc
- sendemail.cccmd
- sendemail.chainreplyto
- sendemail.confirm
- sendemail.envelopesender
- sendemail.from
- sendemail.identity
- sendemail.multiedit
- sendemail.signedoffbycc
- sendemail.smtpdomain
- sendemail.smtpencryption
- sendemail.smtppass
- sendemail.smtpserver
- sendemail.smtpserveroption
- sendemail.smtpserverport
- sendemail.smtpuser
- sendemail.suppresscc
- sendemail.suppressfrom
- sendemail.thread
- sendemail.to
- sendemail.validate
- showbranch.default
- status.relativePaths
- status.showUntrackedFiles
- status.submodulesummary
- submodule.
- tar.umask
- transfer.unpackLimit
- url.
- user.email
- user.name
- user.signingkey
- web.browser
- branch. remote.
- "
-_git_remote ()
- local subcommands="add rename remove set-head set-branches set-url show prune update"
- local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
- if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
- __gitcomp "$subcommands"
- return
- fi
- case "$subcommand" in
- rename|remove|set-url|show|prune)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
- ;;
- set-head|set-branches)
- __git_complete_remote_or_refspec
- ;;
- update)
- __gitcomp "$(__git_get_config_variables "remotes")"
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
-_git_replace ()
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_reset ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--merge --mixed --hard --soft --patch"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_revert ()
- local dir="$(__gitdir)"
- if [ -f "$dir"/REVERT_HEAD ]; then
- __gitcomp "--continue --quit --abort"
- return
- fi
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--edit --mainline --no-edit --no-commit --signoff"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
-_git_rm ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--cached --dry-run --ignore-unmatch --quiet"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_index_file "--cached"
-_git_shortlog ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- $__git_log_common_options
- $__git_log_shortlog_options
- --numbered --summary
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist
-_git_show ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- case "$cur" in
- --pretty=*|--format=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases)
- " "" "${cur#*=}"
- return
- ;;
- --diff-algorithm=*)
- __gitcomp "$__git_diff_algorithms" "" "${cur##--diff-algorithm=}"
- return
- ;;
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--pretty= --format= --abbrev-commit --oneline
- --show-signature
- $__git_diff_common_options
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist_file
-_git_show_branch ()
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --all --remotes --topo-order --date-order --current --more=
- --list --independent --merge-base --no-name
- --color --no-color
- --sha1-name --sparse --topics --reflog
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist
-_git_stash ()
- local save_opts='--all --keep-index --no-keep-index --quiet --patch --include-untracked'
- local subcommands='save list show apply clear drop pop create branch'
- local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
- if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "$save_opts"
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$save_opts")" ]; then
- __gitcomp "$subcommands"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- else
- case "$subcommand,$cur" in
- save,--*)
- __gitcomp "$save_opts"
- ;;
- apply,--*|pop,--*)
- __gitcomp "--index --quiet"
- ;;
- drop,--*)
- __gitcomp "--quiet"
- ;;
- show,--*|branch,--*)
- ;;
- branch,*)
- if [ $cword -eq 3 ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)";
- else
- __gitcomp_nl "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" stash list \
- | sed -n -e 's/:.*//p')"
- fi
- ;;
- show,*|apply,*|drop,*|pop,*)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" stash list \
- | sed -n -e 's/:.*//p')"
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
-_git_submodule ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- local subcommands="add status init deinit update summary foreach sync"
- if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" ]; then
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "--quiet --cached"
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp "$subcommands"
- ;;
- esac
- return
- fi
-_git_svn ()
- local subcommands="
- init fetch clone rebase dcommit log find-rev
- set-tree commit-diff info create-ignore propget
- proplist show-ignore show-externals branch tag blame
- migrate mkdirs reset gc
- "
- local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")"
- if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then
- __gitcomp "$subcommands"
- else
- local remote_opts="--username= --config-dir= --no-auth-cache"
- local fc_opts="
- --follow-parent --authors-file= --repack=
- --no-metadata --use-svm-props --use-svnsync-props
- --log-window-size= --no-checkout --quiet
- --repack-flags --use-log-author --localtime
- --ignore-paths= --include-paths= $remote_opts
- "
- local init_opts="
- --template= --shared= --trunk= --tags=
- --branches= --stdlayout --minimize-url
- --no-metadata --use-svm-props --use-svnsync-props
- --rewrite-root= --prefix= --use-log-author
- --add-author-from $remote_opts
- "
- local cmt_opts="
- --edit --rmdir --find-copies-harder --copy-similarity=
- "
- case "$subcommand,$cur" in
- fetch,--*)
- __gitcomp "--revision= --fetch-all $fc_opts"
- ;;
- clone,--*)
- __gitcomp "--revision= $fc_opts $init_opts"
- ;;
- init,--*)
- __gitcomp "$init_opts"
- ;;
- dcommit,--*)
- __gitcomp "
- --merge --strategy= --verbose --dry-run
- --fetch-all --no-rebase --commit-url
- --revision --interactive $cmt_opts $fc_opts
- "
- ;;
- set-tree,--*)
- __gitcomp "--stdin $cmt_opts $fc_opts"
- ;;
- create-ignore,--*|propget,--*|proplist,--*|show-ignore,--*|\
- show-externals,--*|mkdirs,--*)
- __gitcomp "--revision="
- ;;
- log,--*)
- __gitcomp "
- --limit= --revision= --verbose --incremental
- --oneline --show-commit --non-recursive
- --authors-file= --color
- "
- ;;
- rebase,--*)
- __gitcomp "
- --merge --verbose --strategy= --local
- --fetch-all --dry-run $fc_opts
- "
- ;;
- commit-diff,--*)
- __gitcomp "--message= --file= --revision= $cmt_opts"
- ;;
- info,--*)
- __gitcomp "--url"
- ;;
- branch,--*)
- __gitcomp "--dry-run --message --tag"
- ;;
- tag,--*)
- __gitcomp "--dry-run --message"
- ;;
- blame,--*)
- __gitcomp "--git-format"
- ;;
- migrate,--*)
- __gitcomp "
- --config-dir= --ignore-paths= --minimize
- --no-auth-cache --username=
- "
- ;;
- reset,--*)
- __gitcomp "--revision= --parent"
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
-_git_tag ()
- local i c=1 f=0
- while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
- i="${words[c]}"
- case "$i" in
- -d|-v)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_tags)"
- return
- ;;
- -f)
- f=1
- ;;
- esac
- ((c++))
- done
- case "$prev" in
- -m|-F)
- ;;
- -*|tag)
- if [ $f = 1 ]; then
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_tags)"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- __gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
- ;;
- esac
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- --list --delete --verify --annotate --message --file
- --sign --cleanup --local-user --force --column --sort
- --contains --points-at
- "
- ;;
- esac
-_git_whatchanged ()
- _git_log
-__git_main ()
- local i c=1 command __git_dir
- while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do
- i="${words[c]}"
- case "$i" in
- --git-dir=*) __git_dir="${i#--git-dir=}" ;;
- --git-dir) ((c++)) ; __git_dir="${words[c]}" ;;
- --bare) __git_dir="." ;;
- --help) command="help"; break ;;
- -c|--work-tree|--namespace) ((c++)) ;;
- -*) ;;
- *) command="$i"; break ;;
- esac
- ((c++))
- done
- if [ -z "$command" ]; then
- case "$cur" in
- --*) __gitcomp "
- --paginate
- --no-pager
- --git-dir=
- --bare
- --version
- --exec-path
- --exec-path=
- --html-path
- --man-path
- --info-path
- --work-tree=
- --namespace=
- --no-replace-objects
- --help
- "
- ;;
- *) __git_compute_porcelain_commands
- __gitcomp "$__git_porcelain_commands $(__git_aliases)" ;;
- esac
- return
- fi
- local completion_func="_git_${command//-/_}"
- declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null && $completion_func && return
- local expansion=$(__git_aliased_command "$command")
- if [ -n "$expansion" ]; then
- words[1]=$expansion
- completion_func="_git_${expansion//-/_}"
- declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null && $completion_func
- fi
-__gitk_main ()
- __git_has_doubledash && return
- local g="$(__gitdir)"
- local merge=""
- if [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then
- merge="--merge"
- fi
- case "$cur" in
- --*)
- __gitcomp "
- $__git_log_common_options
- $__git_log_gitk_options
- $merge
- "
- return
- ;;
- esac
- __git_complete_revlist
-if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]]; then
- echo "WARNING: this script is deprecated, please see git-completion.zsh" 1>&2
- autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
- __gitcomp ()
- {
- emulate -L zsh
- local cur_="${3-$cur}"
- case "$cur_" in
- --*=)
- ;;
- *)
- local c IFS=$' \t\n'
- local -a array
- for c in ${=1}; do
- c="$c${4-}"
- case $c in
- --*=*|*.) ;;
- *) c="$c " ;;
- esac
- array[${#array[@]}+1]="$c"
- done
- compset -P '*[=:]'
- compadd -Q -S '' -p "${2-}" -a -- array && _ret=0
- ;;
- esac
- }
- __gitcomp_nl ()
- {
- emulate -L zsh
- local IFS=$'\n'
- compset -P '*[=:]'
- compadd -Q -S "${4- }" -p "${2-}" -- ${=1} && _ret=0
- }
- __gitcomp_file ()
- {
- emulate -L zsh
- local IFS=$'\n'
- compset -P '*[=:]'
- compadd -Q -p "${2-}" -f -- ${=1} && _ret=0
- }
- _git ()
- {
- local _ret=1 cur cword prev
- cur=${words[CURRENT]}
- prev=${words[CURRENT-1]}
- let cword=CURRENT-1
- emulate ksh -c __${service}_main
- let _ret && _default && _ret=0
- return _ret
- }
- compdef _git git gitk
- return
-__git_func_wrap ()
- local cur words cword prev
- _get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword prev
- $1
-# Setup completion for certain functions defined above by setting common
-# variables and workarounds.
-# This is NOT a public function; use at your own risk.
-__git_complete ()
- local wrapper="__git_wrap${2}"
- eval "$wrapper () { __git_func_wrap $2 ; }"
- complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F $wrapper $1 2>/dev/null \
- || complete -o default -o nospace -F $wrapper $1
-# wrapper for backwards compatibility
-_git ()
- __git_wrap__git_main
-# wrapper for backwards compatibility
-_gitk ()
- __git_wrap__gitk_main
-__git_complete git __git_main
-__git_complete gitk __gitk_main
-# The following are necessary only for Cygwin, and only are needed
-# when the user has tab-completed the executable name and consequently
-# included the '.exe' suffix.
-if [ Cygwin = "$(uname -o 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
-__git_complete git.exe __git_main
+++ /dev/null
-# bash/zsh git prompt support
-# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
-# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
-# This script allows you to see repository status in your prompt.
-# To enable:
-# 1) Copy this file to somewhere (e.g. ~/.git-prompt.sh).
-# 2) Add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc:
-# source ~/.git-prompt.sh
-# 3a) Change your PS1 to call __git_ps1 as
-# command-substitution:
-# Bash: PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '
-# ZSH: setopt PROMPT_SUBST ; PS1='[%n@%m %c$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '
-# the optional argument will be used as format string.
-# 3b) Alternatively, for a slightly faster prompt, __git_ps1 can
-# be used for PROMPT_COMMAND in Bash or for precmd() in Zsh
-# with two parameters, <pre> and <post>, which are strings
-# you would put in $PS1 before and after the status string
-# generated by the git-prompt machinery. e.g.
-# Bash: PROMPT_COMMAND='__git_ps1 "\u@\h:\w" "\\\$ "'
-# will show username, at-sign, host, colon, cwd, then
-# various status string, followed by dollar and SP, as
-# your prompt.
-# ZSH: precmd () { __git_ps1 "%n" ":%~$ " "|%s" }
-# will show username, pipe, then various status string,
-# followed by colon, cwd, dollar and SP, as your prompt.
-# Optionally, you can supply a third argument with a printf
-# format string to finetune the output of the branch status
-# The repository status will be displayed only if you are currently in a
-# git repository. The %s token is the placeholder for the shown status.
-# The prompt status always includes the current branch name.
-# In addition, if you set GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE to a nonempty value,
-# unstaged (*) and staged (+) changes will be shown next to the branch
-# name. You can configure this per-repository with the
-# bash.showDirtyState variable, which defaults to true once
-# You can also see if currently something is stashed, by setting
-# GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE to a nonempty value. If something is stashed,
-# then a '$' will be shown next to the branch name.
-# If you would like to see if there're untracked files, then you can set
-# GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES to a nonempty value. If there're untracked
-# files, then a '%' will be shown next to the branch name. You can
-# configure this per-repository with the bash.showUntrackedFiles
-# variable, which defaults to true once GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES is
-# enabled.
-# If you would like to see the difference between HEAD and its upstream,
-# set GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto". A "<" indicates you are behind, ">"
-# indicates you are ahead, "<>" indicates you have diverged and "="
-# indicates that there is no difference. You can further control
-# behaviour by setting GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM to a space-separated list
-# of values:
-# verbose show number of commits ahead/behind (+/-) upstream
-# name if verbose, then also show the upstream abbrev name
-# legacy don't use the '--count' option available in recent
-# versions of git-rev-list
-# git always compare HEAD to @{upstream}
-# svn always compare HEAD to your SVN upstream
-# You can change the separator between the branch name and the above
-# state symbols by setting GIT_PS1_STATESEPARATOR. The default separator
-# is SP.
-# By default, __git_ps1 will compare HEAD to your SVN upstream if it can
-# find one, or @{upstream} otherwise. Once you have set
-# GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM, you can override it on a per-repository basis by
-# setting the bash.showUpstream config variable.
-# If you would like to see more information about the identity of
-# commits checked out as a detached HEAD, set GIT_PS1_DESCRIBE_STYLE
-# to one of these values:
-# contains relative to newer annotated tag (v1.6.3.2~35)
-# branch relative to newer tag or branch (master~4)
-# describe relative to older annotated tag (v1.6.3.1-13-gdd42c2f)
-# default exactly matching tag
-# If you would like a colored hint about the current dirty state, set
-# GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS to a nonempty value. The colors are based on
-# the colored output of "git status -sb" and are available only when
-# using __git_ps1 for PROMPT_COMMAND or precmd.
-# If you would like __git_ps1 to do nothing in the case when the current
-# directory is set up to be ignored by git, then set
-# GIT_PS1_HIDE_IF_PWD_IGNORED to a nonempty value. Override this on the
-# repository level by setting bash.hideIfPwdIgnored to "false".
-# check whether printf supports -v
-printf -v __git_printf_supports_v -- '%s' yes >/dev/null 2>&1
-# stores the divergence from upstream in $p
-__git_ps1_show_upstream ()
- local key value
- local svn_remote svn_url_pattern count n
- local upstream=git legacy="" verbose="" name=""
- svn_remote=()
- # get some config options from git-config
- local output="$(git config -z --get-regexp '^(svn-remote\..*\.url|bash\.showupstream)$' 2>/dev/null | tr '\0\n' '\n ')"
- while read -r key value; do
- case "$key" in
- bash.showupstream)
- if [[ -z "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM}" ]]; then
- p=""
- return
- fi
- ;;
- svn-remote.*.url)
- svn_remote[$((${#svn_remote[@]} + 1))]="$value"
- svn_url_pattern="$svn_url_pattern\\|$value"
- upstream=svn+git # default upstream is SVN if available, else git
- ;;
- esac
- done <<< "$output"
- # parse configuration values
- for option in ${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM}; do
- case "$option" in
- git|svn) upstream="$option" ;;
- verbose) verbose=1 ;;
- legacy) legacy=1 ;;
- name) name=1 ;;
- esac
- done
- # Find our upstream
- case "$upstream" in
- git) upstream="@{upstream}" ;;
- svn*)
- # get the upstream from the "git-svn-id: ..." in a commit message
- # (git-svn uses essentially the same procedure internally)
- local -a svn_upstream
- svn_upstream=($(git log --first-parent -1 \
- --grep="^git-svn-id: \(${svn_url_pattern#??}\)" 2>/dev/null))
- if [[ 0 -ne ${#svn_upstream[@]} ]]; then
- svn_upstream=${svn_upstream[${#svn_upstream[@]} - 2]}
- svn_upstream=${svn_upstream%@*}
- local n_stop="${#svn_remote[@]}"
- for ((n=1; n <= n_stop; n++)); do
- svn_upstream=${svn_upstream#${svn_remote[$n]}}
- done
- if [[ -z "$svn_upstream" ]]; then
- # default branch name for checkouts with no layout:
- upstream=${GIT_SVN_ID:-git-svn}
- else
- upstream=${svn_upstream#/}
- fi
- elif [[ "svn+git" = "$upstream" ]]; then
- upstream="@{upstream}"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # Find how many commits we are ahead/behind our upstream
- if [[ -z "$legacy" ]]; then
- count="$(git rev-list --count --left-right \
- "$upstream"...HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
- else
- # produce equivalent output to --count for older versions of git
- local commits
- if commits="$(git rev-list --left-right "$upstream"...HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
- then
- local commit behind=0 ahead=0
- for commit in $commits
- do
- case "$commit" in
- "<"*) ((behind++)) ;;
- *) ((ahead++)) ;;
- esac
- done
- count="$behind $ahead"
- else
- count=""
- fi
- fi
- # calculate the result
- if [[ -z "$verbose" ]]; then
- case "$count" in
- "") # no upstream
- p="" ;;
- "0 0") # equal to upstream
- p="=" ;;
- "0 "*) # ahead of upstream
- p=">" ;;
- *" 0") # behind upstream
- p="<" ;;
- *) # diverged from upstream
- p="<>" ;;
- esac
- else
- case "$count" in
- "") # no upstream
- p="" ;;
- "0 0") # equal to upstream
- p=" u=" ;;
- "0 "*) # ahead of upstream
- p=" u+${count#0 }" ;;
- *" 0") # behind upstream
- p=" u-${count% 0}" ;;
- *) # diverged from upstream
- p=" u+${count#* }-${count% *}" ;;
- esac
- if [[ -n "$count" && -n "$name" ]]; then
- __git_ps1_upstream_name=$(git rev-parse \
- --abbrev-ref "$upstream" 2>/dev/null)
- if [ $pcmode = yes ] && [ $ps1_expanded = yes ]; then
- p="$p \${__git_ps1_upstream_name}"
- else
- p="$p ${__git_ps1_upstream_name}"
- # not needed anymore; keep user's
- # environment clean
- unset __git_ps1_upstream_name
- fi
- fi
- fi
-# Helper function that is meant to be called from __git_ps1. It
-# injects color codes into the appropriate gitstring variables used
-# to build a gitstring.
-__git_ps1_colorize_gitstring ()
- if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]]; then
- local c_red='%F{red}'
- local c_green='%F{green}'
- local c_lblue='%F{blue}'
- local c_clear='%f'
- else
- # Using \[ and \] around colors is necessary to prevent
- # issues with command line editing/browsing/completion!
- local c_red='\[\e[31m\]'
- local c_green='\[\e[32m\]'
- local c_lblue='\[\e[1;34m\]'
- local c_clear='\[\e[0m\]'
- fi
- local bad_color=$c_red
- local ok_color=$c_green
- local flags_color="$c_lblue"
- local branch_color=""
- if [ $detached = no ]; then
- branch_color="$ok_color"
- else
- branch_color="$bad_color"
- fi
- c="$branch_color$c"
- z="$c_clear$z"
- if [ "$w" = "*" ]; then
- w="$bad_color$w"
- fi
- if [ -n "$i" ]; then
- i="$ok_color$i"
- fi
- if [ -n "$s" ]; then
- s="$flags_color$s"
- fi
- if [ -n "$u" ]; then
- u="$bad_color$u"
- fi
- r="$c_clear$r"
-__git_eread ()
- local f="$1"
- shift
- test -r "$f" && read "$@" <"$f"
-# __git_ps1 accepts 0 or 1 arguments (i.e., format string)
-# when called from PS1 using command substitution
-# in this mode it prints text to add to bash PS1 prompt (includes branch name)
-# __git_ps1 requires 2 or 3 arguments when called from PROMPT_COMMAND (pc)
-# in that case it _sets_ PS1. The arguments are parts of a PS1 string.
-# when two arguments are given, the first is prepended and the second appended
-# to the state string when assigned to PS1.
-# The optional third parameter will be used as printf format string to further
-# customize the output of the git-status string.
-# In this mode you can request colored hints using GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS=true
-__git_ps1 ()
- # preserve exit status
- local exit=$?
- local pcmode=no
- local detached=no
- local ps1pc_start='\u@\h:\w '
- local ps1pc_end='\$ '
- local printf_format=' (%s)'
- case "$#" in
- 2|3) pcmode=yes
- ps1pc_start="$1"
- ps1pc_end="$2"
- printf_format="${3:-$printf_format}"
- # set PS1 to a plain prompt so that we can
- # simply return early if the prompt should not
- # be decorated
- PS1="$ps1pc_start$ps1pc_end"
- ;;
- 0|1) printf_format="${1:-$printf_format}"
- ;;
- *) return $exit
- ;;
- esac
- # ps1_expanded: This variable is set to 'yes' if the shell
- # subjects the value of PS1 to parameter expansion:
- #
- # * bash does unless the promptvars option is disabled
- # * zsh does not unless the PROMPT_SUBST option is set
- # * POSIX shells always do
- #
- # If the shell would expand the contents of PS1 when drawing
- # the prompt, a raw ref name must not be included in PS1.
- # This protects the user from arbitrary code execution via
- # specially crafted ref names. For example, a ref named
- # 'refs/heads/$(IFS=_;cmd=sudo_rm_-rf_/;$cmd)' might cause the
- # shell to execute 'sudo rm -rf /' when the prompt is drawn.
- #
- # Instead, the ref name should be placed in a separate global
- # variable (in the __git_ps1_* namespace to avoid colliding
- # with the user's environment) and that variable should be
- # referenced from PS1. For example:
- #
- # __git_ps1_foo=$(do_something_to_get_ref_name)
- # PS1="...stuff...\${__git_ps1_foo}...stuff..."
- #
- # If the shell does not expand the contents of PS1, the raw
- # ref name must be included in PS1.
- #
- # The value of this variable is only relevant when in pcmode.
- #
- # Assume that the shell follows the POSIX specification and
- # expands PS1 unless determined otherwise. (This is more
- # likely to be correct if the user has a non-bash, non-zsh
- # shell and safer than the alternative if the assumption is
- # incorrect.)
- #
- local ps1_expanded=yes
- [ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ] || [[ -o PROMPT_SUBST ]] || ps1_expanded=no
- [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ] || shopt -q promptvars || ps1_expanded=no
- local repo_info rev_parse_exit_code
- repo_info="$(git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir \
- --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree \
- --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
- rev_parse_exit_code="$?"
- if [ -z "$repo_info" ]; then
- return $exit
- fi
- local short_sha
- if [ "$rev_parse_exit_code" = "0" ]; then
- short_sha="${repo_info##*$'\n'}"
- repo_info="${repo_info%$'\n'*}"
- fi
- local inside_worktree="${repo_info##*$'\n'}"
- repo_info="${repo_info%$'\n'*}"
- local bare_repo="${repo_info##*$'\n'}"
- repo_info="${repo_info%$'\n'*}"
- local inside_gitdir="${repo_info##*$'\n'}"
- local g="${repo_info%$'\n'*}"
- if [ "true" = "$inside_worktree" ] &&
- [ -n "${GIT_PS1_HIDE_IF_PWD_IGNORED-}" ] &&
- [ "$(git config --bool bash.hideIfPwdIgnored)" != "false" ] &&
- git check-ignore -q .
- then
- return $exit
- fi
- local r=""
- local b=""
- local step=""
- local total=""
- if [ -d "$g/rebase-merge" ]; then
- __git_eread "$g/rebase-merge/head-name" b
- __git_eread "$g/rebase-merge/msgnum" step
- __git_eread "$g/rebase-merge/end" total
- if [ -f "$g/rebase-merge/interactive" ]; then
- r="|REBASE-i"
- else
- r="|REBASE-m"
- fi
- else
- if [ -d "$g/rebase-apply" ]; then
- __git_eread "$g/rebase-apply/next" step
- __git_eread "$g/rebase-apply/last" total
- if [ -f "$g/rebase-apply/rebasing" ]; then
- __git_eread "$g/rebase-apply/head-name" b
- r="|REBASE"
- elif [ -f "$g/rebase-apply/applying" ]; then
- r="|AM"
- else
- r="|AM/REBASE"
- fi
- elif [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then
- r="|MERGING"
- elif [ -f "$g/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" ]; then
- elif [ -f "$g/REVERT_HEAD" ]; then
- elif [ -f "$g/BISECT_LOG" ]; then
- fi
- if [ -n "$b" ]; then
- :
- elif [ -h "$g/HEAD" ]; then
- # symlink symbolic ref
- b="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
- else
- local head=""
- if ! __git_eread "$g/HEAD" head; then
- return $exit
- fi
- # is it a symbolic ref?
- b="${head#ref: }"
- if [ "$head" = "$b" ]; then
- detached=yes
- b="$(
- case "${GIT_PS1_DESCRIBE_STYLE-}" in
- (contains)
- git describe --contains HEAD ;;
- (branch)
- git describe --contains --all HEAD ;;
- (describe)
- git describe HEAD ;;
- (* | default)
- git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD ;;
- esac 2>/dev/null)" ||
- b="$short_sha..."
- b="($b)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "$step" ] && [ -n "$total" ]; then
- r="$r $step/$total"
- fi
- local w=""
- local i=""
- local s=""
- local u=""
- local c=""
- local p=""
- if [ "true" = "$inside_gitdir" ]; then
- if [ "true" = "$bare_repo" ]; then
- c="BARE:"
- else
- b="GIT_DIR!"
- fi
- elif [ "true" = "$inside_worktree" ]; then
- if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE-}" ] &&
- [ "$(git config --bool bash.showDirtyState)" != "false" ]
- then
- git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet || w="*"
- git diff --no-ext-diff --cached --quiet || i="+"
- if [ -z "$short_sha" ] && [ -z "$i" ]; then
- i="#"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE-}" ] &&
- git rev-parse --verify --quiet refs/stash >/dev/null
- then
- s="$"
- fi
- if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES-}" ] &&
- [ "$(git config --bool bash.showUntrackedFiles)" != "false" ] &&
- git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory --error-unmatch -- ':/*' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- then
- u="%${ZSH_VERSION+%}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM-}" ]; then
- __git_ps1_show_upstream
- fi
- fi
- local z="${GIT_PS1_STATESEPARATOR-" "}"
- # NO color option unless in PROMPT_COMMAND mode
- if [ $pcmode = yes ] && [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWCOLORHINTS-}" ]; then
- __git_ps1_colorize_gitstring
- fi
- b=${b##refs/heads/}
- if [ $pcmode = yes ] && [ $ps1_expanded = yes ]; then
- __git_ps1_branch_name=$b
- b="\${__git_ps1_branch_name}"
- fi
- local f="$w$i$s$u"
- local gitstring="$c$b${f:+$z$f}$r$p"
- if [ $pcmode = yes ]; then
- if [ "${__git_printf_supports_v-}" != yes ]; then
- gitstring=$(printf -- "$printf_format" "$gitstring")
- else
- printf -v gitstring -- "$printf_format" "$gitstring"
- fi
- PS1="$ps1pc_start$gitstring$ps1pc_end"
- else
- printf -- "$printf_format" "$gitstring"
- fi
- return $exit