# Default
-* text=auto !eol
+#* text=auto !eol
# Text files that should be normalized (CRLF => LF)
-*.c text
-*.h text
-*.md text
-*.txt text
+#*.c text
+#*.h text
+#*.md text
+#*.txt text
# Text files with fixed EOL=LF
-*.sh text eol=LF
+#*.sh text eol=LF
# Text files with fixed EOL=CRLF$
-*.bat text eol=CRLF
-*.ahk text eol=crlf
-*.vcproj text eol=crlf
+#*.bat text eol=CRLF
+#*.ahk text eol=crlf
+#*.vcproj text eol=crlf
# Binary files
-*.jpg -text
-*.exe -text
-*.reg -text
+#*.jpg -text
+#*.exe -text
+#*.reg -text
name = Jannik ZANDER\r
- email = jannik@zndr.dk\r
+ email = jzander@grundfos.com
editor = vim\r
pager = less\r
- autocrlf = false\r
quotepath = false
commitGraph = true
default = simple\r
recurseSubmodules = check
- tool = vimdiff\r
+ tool = bc\r
submodule = log
- tool = vimdiff\r
+ tool = bc\r
[difftool "vimdiff"]\r
prompt = false\r
conflictstyle = diff3\r
[mergetool "vimdiff"]\r
prompt = false\r
[difftool "bc"]\r
- path = bcompare\r
- trustExitCode = false\r
-[mergetool "bc"]\r
- path = bcompare\r
+ path = c:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/bcomp.exe
+ trustExitCode = false
+[mergetool "bc"]
+ path = c:/Program Files/Beyond Compare 4/bcomp.exe
trustExitCode = false\r
templatedir = ~/.config/git/templates\r
pp = "!git pull --rebase && git push"\r
up = "!git pull --rebase --prune $@ && git submodule update --init --recursive"\r
co = checkout\r
- co = checkout\r
ci = commit\r
st = status\r
ls = ls-files\r
writeCommitGraph = true
submodulesummary = 1
- recurse = true
+# recurse = true
-# Ignore tags created by etags, ctags, gtags (GNU global) and cscope
-# Windows image file caches
-# Folder config file
-# Recycle Bin used on file shares
-# Windows Installer files
-# Windows shortcuts
-# OSX
-# Icon must end with two \r
-# Thumbnails
-# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
-# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
-Network Trash Folder
-Temporary Items
+# Ignore tags created by etags, ctags, gtags (GNU global) and cscope\r
+# Windows image file caches\r
+# Folder config file\r
+# Recycle Bin used on file shares\r
+# Windows Installer files\r
+# Windows shortcuts\r
+# OSX\r
+# Icon must end with two \r\r
+# Thumbnails\r
+# Files that might appear in the root of a volume\r
+# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share\r
+Network Trash Folder\r
+Temporary Items\r
-# ===================================================================
-# == Options
-# ===================================================================
-# Show hidden files? You can toggle this by typing 'zh'
-set show_hidden true
-# Which script is used to generate file previews?
-# ranger ships with scope.sh, a script that calls external programs (see
-# README.md for dependencies) to preview images, archives, etc.
-set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh
-# Use the external preview script or display simple plain text or image previews?
-set use_preview_script true
-# State of the three backends git, hg, bzr. The possible states are
-# disabled, local (only show local info), enabled (show local and remote
-# information).
-set vcs_backend_git enabled
-# Use one of the supported image preview protocols
-set preview_images true
+# ===================================================================\r
+# == Options\r
+# ===================================================================\r
+# Show hidden files? You can toggle this by typing 'zh'\r
+set show_hidden true\r
+# Which script is used to generate file previews?\r
+# ranger ships with scope.sh, a script that calls external programs (see\r
+# README.md for dependencies) to preview images, archives, etc.\r
+set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh\r
+# Use the external preview script or display simple plain text or image previews?\r
+set use_preview_script true\r
+# State of the three backends git, hg, bzr. The possible states are\r
+# disabled, local (only show local info), enabled (show local and remote\r
+# information).\r
+set vcs_backend_git enabled\r
+# Use one of the supported image preview protocols\r
+set preview_images true\r
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# ranger supports enhanced previews. If the option "use_preview_script"
-# is set to True and this file exists, this script will be called and its
-# output is displayed in ranger. ANSI color codes are supported.
-# NOTES: This script is considered a configuration file. If you upgrade
-# ranger, it will be left untouched. (You must update it yourself.)
-# Also, ranger disables STDIN here, so interactive scripts won't work properly
-# Meanings of exit codes:
-# code | meaning | action of ranger
-# -----+------------+-------------------------------------------
-# 0 | success | success. display stdout as preview
-# 1 | no preview | failure. display no preview at all
-# 2 | plain text | display the plain content of the file
-# 3 | fix width | success. Don't reload when width changes
-# 4 | fix height | success. Don't reload when height changes
-# 5 | fix both | success. Don't ever reload
-# 6 | image | success. display the image $cached points to as an image preview
-# 7 | image | success. display the file directly as an image
-# Meaningful aliases for arguments:
-path="$1" # Full path of the selected file
-width="$2" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
-height="$3" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
-cached="$4" # Path that should be used to cache image previews
-preview_images="$5" # "True" if image previews are enabled, "False" otherwise.
-maxln=200 # Stop after $maxln lines. Can be used like ls | head -n $maxln
-# Find out something about the file:
-mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")
-extension=$(/bin/echo "${path##*.}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
-# Functions:
-# runs a command and saves its output into $output. Useful if you need
-# the return value AND want to use the output in a pipe
-try() { output=$(eval '"$@"'); }
-# writes the output of the previously used "try" command
-dump() { /bin/echo "$output"; }
-# a common post-processing function used after most commands
-trim() { head -n "$maxln"; }
-# wraps highlight to treat exit code 141 (killed by SIGPIPE) as success
-safepipe() { "$@"; test $? = 0 -o $? = 141; }
-# Image previews, if enabled in ranger.
-if [ "$preview_images" = "True" ]; then
- case "$mimetype" in
- # Image previews for SVG files, disabled by default.
- ###image/svg+xml)
- ### convert "$path" "$cached" && exit 6 || exit 1;;
- # Image previews for image files. w3mimgdisplay will be called for all
- # image files (unless overriden as above), but might fail for
- # unsupported types.
- image/*)
- exit 7;;
- # Image preview for video, disabled by default.:
- ###video/*)
- ### ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$path" -o "$cached" -s 0 && exit 6 || exit 1;;
- esac
-case "$extension" in
- # Archive extensions:
- a|ace|alz|arc|arj|bz|bz2|cab|cpio|deb|gz|jar|lha|lz|lzh|lzma|lzo|\
- rpm|rz|t7z|tar|tbz|tbz2|tgz|tlz|txz|tZ|tzo|war|xpi|xz|Z|zip)
- try als "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
- try acat "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 3; }
- try bsdtar -lf "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }
- exit 1;;
- rar)
- # avoid password prompt by providing empty password
- try unrar -p- lt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
- 7z)
- # avoid password prompt by providing empty password
- try 7z -p l "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
- # PDF documents:
- pdf)
- try pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q "$path" - && \
- { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 0; } || exit 1;;
- # BitTorrent Files
- torrent)
- try transmission-show "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
- # ODT Files
- odt|ods|odp|sxw)
- try odt2txt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
- # HTML Pages:
- htm|html|xhtml)
- try w3m -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }
- ;; # fall back to highlight/cat if the text browsers fail
-case "$mimetype" in
- # Syntax highlight for text files:
- text/* | */xml)
- try safepipe less "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; }
- exit 2;;
- # Ascii-previews of images:
- image/*)
- img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="$width" "$path" && exit 4 || exit 1;;
- # Display information about media files:
- video/* | audio/*)
- exiftool "$path" && exit 5
- # Use sed to remove spaces so the output fits into the narrow window
- try mediainfo "$path" && { dump | trim | sed 's/ \+:/: /;'; exit 5; } || exit 1;;
-exit 1
+#!/usr/bin/env sh\r
+# ranger supports enhanced previews. If the option "use_preview_script"\r
+# is set to True and this file exists, this script will be called and its\r
+# output is displayed in ranger. ANSI color codes are supported.\r
+# NOTES: This script is considered a configuration file. If you upgrade\r
+# ranger, it will be left untouched. (You must update it yourself.)\r
+# Also, ranger disables STDIN here, so interactive scripts won't work properly\r
+# Meanings of exit codes:\r
+# code | meaning | action of ranger\r
+# -----+------------+-------------------------------------------\r
+# 0 | success | success. display stdout as preview\r
+# 1 | no preview | failure. display no preview at all\r
+# 2 | plain text | display the plain content of the file\r
+# 3 | fix width | success. Don't reload when width changes\r
+# 4 | fix height | success. Don't reload when height changes\r
+# 5 | fix both | success. Don't ever reload\r
+# 6 | image | success. display the image $cached points to as an image preview\r
+# 7 | image | success. display the file directly as an image\r
+# Meaningful aliases for arguments:\r
+path="$1" # Full path of the selected file\r
+width="$2" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)\r
+height="$3" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)\r
+cached="$4" # Path that should be used to cache image previews\r
+preview_images="$5" # "True" if image previews are enabled, "False" otherwise.\r
+maxln=200 # Stop after $maxln lines. Can be used like ls | head -n $maxln\r
+# Find out something about the file:\r
+mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")\r
+extension=$(/bin/echo "${path##*.}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')\r
+# Functions:\r
+# runs a command and saves its output into $output. Useful if you need\r
+# the return value AND want to use the output in a pipe\r
+try() { output=$(eval '"$@"'); }\r
+# writes the output of the previously used "try" command\r
+dump() { /bin/echo "$output"; }\r
+# a common post-processing function used after most commands\r
+trim() { head -n "$maxln"; }\r
+# wraps highlight to treat exit code 141 (killed by SIGPIPE) as success\r
+safepipe() { "$@"; test $? = 0 -o $? = 141; }\r
+# Image previews, if enabled in ranger.\r
+if [ "$preview_images" = "True" ]; then\r
+ case "$mimetype" in\r
+ # Image previews for SVG files, disabled by default.\r
+ ###image/svg+xml)\r
+ ### convert "$path" "$cached" && exit 6 || exit 1;;\r
+ # Image previews for image files. w3mimgdisplay will be called for all\r
+ # image files (unless overriden as above), but might fail for\r
+ # unsupported types.\r
+ image/*)\r
+ exit 7;;\r
+ # Image preview for video, disabled by default.:\r
+ ###video/*)\r
+ ### ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$path" -o "$cached" -s 0 && exit 6 || exit 1;;\r
+ esac\r
+case "$extension" in\r
+ # Archive extensions:\r
+ a|ace|alz|arc|arj|bz|bz2|cab|cpio|deb|gz|jar|lha|lz|lzh|lzma|lzo|\\r
+ rpm|rz|t7z|tar|tbz|tbz2|tgz|tlz|txz|tZ|tzo|war|xpi|xz|Z|zip)\r
+ try als "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }\r
+ try acat "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 3; }\r
+ try bsdtar -lf "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; }\r
+ exit 1;;\r
+ rar)\r
+ # avoid password prompt by providing empty password\r
+ try unrar -p- lt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;\r
+ 7z)\r
+ # avoid password prompt by providing empty password\r
+ try 7z -p l "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 0; } || exit 1;;\r
+ # PDF documents:\r
+ pdf)\r
+ try pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q "$path" - && \\r
+ { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 0; } || exit 1;;\r
+ # BitTorrent Files\r
+ torrent)\r
+ try transmission-show "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;\r
+ # ODT Files\r
+ odt|ods|odp|sxw)\r
+ try odt2txt "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; } || exit 1;;\r
+ # HTML Pages:\r
+ htm|html|xhtml)\r
+ try w3m -dump "$path" && { dump | trim | fmt -s -w $width; exit 4; }\r
+ ;; # fall back to highlight/cat if the text browsers fail\r
+case "$mimetype" in\r
+ # Syntax highlight for text files:\r
+ text/* | */xml)\r
+ try safepipe less "$path" && { dump | trim; exit 5; }\r
+ exit 2;;\r
+ # Ascii-previews of images:\r
+ image/*)\r
+ img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="$width" "$path" && exit 4 || exit 1;;\r
+ # Display information about media files:\r
+ video/* | audio/*)\r
+ exiftool "$path" && exit 5\r
+ # Use sed to remove spaces so the output fits into the narrow window\r
+ try mediainfo "$path" && { dump | trim | sed 's/ \+:/: /;'; exit 5; } || exit 1;;\r
+exit 1\r
-# .cshrc: executed by C shells on startup
-# If this is login or command shell then change to a sane shell
-if ($SHELL != /bin/bash) then
- setenv SHELL /bin/bash
- if ($?command) then
- exec /bin/bash -c "$command"
- else
- exec /bin/bash
- endif
+# .cshrc: executed by C shells on startup\r
+# If this is login or command shell then change to a sane shell\r
+if ($SHELL != /bin/bash) then\r
+ setenv SHELL /bin/bash\r
+ if ($?command) then\r
+ exec /bin/bash -c "$command"\r
+ else\r
+ exec /bin/bash\r
+ endif\r
-# Use vi keybindings for everything that uses readline.
-# Useful stuff for UTF-8
-set meta-flag on
-set input-meta on
-set output-meta on
-set convert-meta off
-# Adds punctuation as word delimiters
-set bind-tty-special-chars off
-# Completion Options
-set completion-ignore-case on
-set show-all-if-ambiguous on
-set show-all-if-unmodified on
-set mark-symlinked-directories on
-set match-hidden-files off
-set page-completions on
-set completion-query-items 200
-set visible-stats on
-set skip-completed-text on
-set editing-mode vi
-set keymap vi
-set show-mode-in-prompt on
-set vi-ins-mode-string +
-set vi-cmd-mode-string -
-set keymap vi-command
-"gg": beginning-of-history
-"G": end-of-history
-"j": history-search-forward
-"k": history-search-backward
-$if Bash
- # do history expansion when space entered
- Space: magic-space
-set keymap vi-insert
-"\e": vi-movement-mode
-"jk": vi-movement-mode
-Tab: complete
-#Tab: menu-complete
-$if Python
-$if Gdb
- "\e[15~": "continue\n"
- "\e[21~": "next\n"
- "\e[23~": "step\n"
- "\eOQ": "nexti\n"
- "\eOR": "stepi\n"
-$if mysql
- "\C-xs": "show tables like '%%';\e[D\e[D\e[D"
-# Include system wide settings which is ignored
-# by default if one has own .inputrc
-$include ~/inputrc.local
+# Use vi keybindings for everything that uses readline.\r
+# Useful stuff for UTF-8\r
+set meta-flag on\r
+set input-meta on\r
+set output-meta on\r
+set convert-meta off\r
+# Adds punctuation as word delimiters\r
+set bind-tty-special-chars off\r
+# Completion Options\r
+set completion-ignore-case on\r
+set show-all-if-ambiguous on\r
+set show-all-if-unmodified on\r
+set mark-symlinked-directories on\r
+set match-hidden-files off\r
+set page-completions on\r
+set completion-query-items 200\r
+set visible-stats on\r
+set skip-completed-text on\r
+set editing-mode vi\r
+set keymap vi\r
+set show-mode-in-prompt on\r
+set vi-ins-mode-string +\r
+set vi-cmd-mode-string -\r
+set keymap vi-command\r
+"gg": beginning-of-history\r
+"G": end-of-history\r
+"j": history-search-forward\r
+"k": history-search-backward\r
+$if Bash\r
+ # do history expansion when space entered\r
+ Space: magic-space\r
+set keymap vi-insert\r
+"\e": vi-movement-mode\r
+"jk": vi-movement-mode\r
+Tab: complete\r
+#Tab: menu-complete\r
+$if Python\r
+$if Gdb\r
+ "\e[15~": "continue\n"\r
+ "\e[21~": "next\n"\r
+ "\e[23~": "step\n"\r
+ "\eOQ": "nexti\n"\r
+ "\eOR": "stepi\n"\r
+$if mysql\r
+ "\C-xs": "show tables like '%%';\e[D\e[D\e[D"\r
+# Include system wide settings which is ignored\r
+# by default if one has own .inputrc\r
+$include ~/inputrc.local\r
-bind generic,index Q exit
-bind editor <space> noop
-bind editor <Tab> complete-query
-bind browser gg top-page
-bind browser G bottom-page
-bind browser \Cb previous-page
-bind browser \Cf next-page
-bind browser A check-new
-bind browser v view-file
-bind index ~ set-flag
-bind index \Cv what-key
-bind index H current-top
-bind index M current-middle
-bind index L current-bottom
-bind index / search
-bind index : enter-command
-bind index i mail
-bind pager i edit
-bind pager u mark-as-new
-bind pager gg top
-bind pager G bottom
-bind pager j next-line
-bind pager k previous-line
-bind index,attach gg first-entry
-bind index,attach G last-entry
-bind index,pager L list-reply
-# bind index,pager P print-message
-bind index,pager R group-reply
-bind index,pager \Cd half-down
-bind index,pager \Cu half-up
-bind index,pager \Cf next-page
-bind index,pager \Cb previous-page
-bind index,pager \Cn next-thread
-bind index,pager \Cp previous-thread
-bind index,pager f forward-message
-bind index,pager p previous-undeleted
-bind index,pager N next-unread
-bind index,pager P previous-unread
-bind index,pager X print-message
-macro index Z "<shell-escape>mu find --clearlinks --format=links --linksdir=~/.mu/results " "mu find"
-macro index S "<change-folder-readonly>~/.mu/results<enter>" "mu find results"
-macro attach s <save-entry><kill-line>$HOME<enter> "Save to default directory for attachments"
-# vim: ft=muttrc
+bind generic,index Q exit\r
+bind editor <space> noop\r
+bind editor <Tab> complete-query\r
+bind browser gg top-page\r
+bind browser G bottom-page\r
+bind browser \Cb previous-page\r
+bind browser \Cf next-page\r
+bind browser A check-new\r
+bind browser v view-file\r
+bind index ~ set-flag\r
+bind index \Cv what-key\r
+bind index H current-top\r
+bind index M current-middle\r
+bind index L current-bottom\r
+bind index / search\r
+bind index : enter-command\r
+bind index i mail\r
+bind pager i edit\r
+bind pager u mark-as-new\r
+bind pager gg top\r
+bind pager G bottom\r
+bind pager j next-line\r
+bind pager k previous-line\r
+bind index,attach gg first-entry\r
+bind index,attach G last-entry\r
+bind index,pager L list-reply\r
+# bind index,pager P print-message\r
+bind index,pager R group-reply\r
+bind index,pager \Cd half-down\r
+bind index,pager \Cu half-up\r
+bind index,pager \Cf next-page\r
+bind index,pager \Cb previous-page\r
+bind index,pager \Cn next-thread\r
+bind index,pager \Cp previous-thread\r
+bind index,pager f forward-message\r
+bind index,pager p previous-undeleted\r
+bind index,pager N next-unread\r
+bind index,pager P previous-unread\r
+bind index,pager X print-message\r
+macro index Z "<shell-escape>mu find --clearlinks --format=links --linksdir=~/.mu/results " "mu find"\r
+macro index S "<change-folder-readonly>~/.mu/results<enter>" "mu find results"\r
+macro attach s <save-entry><kill-line>$HOME<enter> "Save to default directory for attachments"\r
+# vim: ft=muttrc\r
-- Jannik Zander
+- Jannik Zander \r
-# default for all
-IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-Host localhost git.zndr.dk
- HostName localhost
- User git
-Host zndr.dk
- HostName zndr.dk
- User jaz
+# default for all\r
+IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa\r
+Host localhost git.zndr.dk\r
+ HostName localhost\r
+ User git\r
+Host zndr.dk\r
+ HostName zndr.dk\r
+ User jaz\r
-# Setting the prefix from C-b to C-a
-set -g prefix C-a
-# Free the original Ctrl-b prefix keybinding
-unbind C-b
-#setting the delay between prefix and command
-set -sg escape-time 1
-# Ensure that we can send Ctrl-A to other apps
-bind C-a send-prefix
-# Set the base index for windows to 1 instead of 0
-set -g base-index 1
-# Set the base index for panes to 1 instead of 0
-setw -g pane-base-index 1
-# Set the default terminal mode to 256color mode
-set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
-# enable activity alerts
-setw -g monitor-activity on
-set -g visual-activity on
-# set the status line's colors
-set -g status-fg white
-set -g status-bg black
-# set the color of the window list
-setw -g window-status-fg cyan
-setw -g window-status-bg default
-setw -g window-status-attr dim
-# set colors for the active window
-setw -g window-status-current-fg white
-setw -g window-status-current-bg red
-setw -g window-status-current-attr bright
-# pane colors
-set -g pane-border-fg green
-set -g pane-border-bg black
-set -g pane-active-border-fg white
-set -g pane-active-border-bg yellow
-# Command / message line
-set -g message-fg white
-set -g message-bg black
-set -g message-attr bright
-# Status line left side
-set -g status-left-length 40
-set -g status-left "#[fg=green]Session: #S #[fg=yellow]#I #[fg=cyan]#P"
-set -g status-utf8 on
-# Status line right side
-# 15% | 28 Nov 18:15
-set -g status-right "#(~/battery Discharging) | #[fg=cyan]%d %b %R"
-# Update the status bar every sixty seconds
-set -g status-interval 60
-# Center the window list
-set -g status-justify centre
-set -g detach-on-destroy off
-# Increase history-limit for scrolling (default is 2000)
-set-option -g history-limit 15000
-# mouse support - set to on if you want to use the mouse
-#setw -g mode-mouse on
-#set -g mouse-select-pane on
-#set -g mouse-resize-pane on
-#set -g mouse-select-window on
-#set -g mouse-utf8 on
-# enable vi keys.
-setw -g mode-keys vi
-# Reload the file with Prefix r
-bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!"
-# splitting panes
-bind c neww -c "#{pane_current_path}"
-bind | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
-bind - split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
-# moving between panes
-bind h select-pane -L
-bind j select-pane -D
-bind k select-pane -U
-bind l select-pane -R
-# Quick pane selection
-bind -r C-h select-window -t :-
-bind -r C-l select-window -t :+
-# Pane resizing
-bind -r H resize-pane -L 5
-bind -r J resize-pane -D 5
-bind -r K resize-pane -U 5
-bind -r L resize-pane -R 5
-# Open panes in the same directory using the tmux-panes script
-unbind v
-unbind n
-bind v send-keys " ~/tmux-panes -h" C-m
-bind n send-keys " ~/tmux-panes -v" C-m
-# Maximize and restore a pane
-unbind Up
-bind Up new-window -d -n tmp \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; select-window -t tmp
-unbind Down
-bind Down last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t tmp
-# Log output to a text file on demand
-bind P pipe-pane -o "cat >>~/#W.log" \; display "Toggled logging to ~/#W.log"
-# better binding for copy mode
-bind v copy-mode
-# Select/yank like vim
-bind -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
-bind -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
-# open tree instead of session list
-bind s run 'tmuxer choose-session'
-bind-key -t vi-choice h tree-collapse
-bind-key -t vi-choice l tree-expand
-# local/private settings
-source-file ~/.tmux_local.conf
+# Setting the prefix from C-b to C-a\r
+set -g prefix C-a\r
+# Free the original Ctrl-b prefix keybinding\r
+unbind C-b\r
+#setting the delay between prefix and command\r
+set -sg escape-time 1\r
+# Ensure that we can send Ctrl-A to other apps\r
+bind C-a send-prefix\r
+# Set the base index for windows to 1 instead of 0\r
+set -g base-index 1\r
+# Set the base index for panes to 1 instead of 0\r
+setw -g pane-base-index 1\r
+# Set the default terminal mode to 256color mode\r
+set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"\r
+# enable activity alerts\r
+setw -g monitor-activity on\r
+set -g visual-activity on\r
+# set the status line's colors\r
+set -g status-fg white\r
+set -g status-bg black\r
+# set the color of the window list\r
+setw -g window-status-fg cyan\r
+setw -g window-status-bg default\r
+setw -g window-status-attr dim\r
+# set colors for the active window\r
+setw -g window-status-current-fg white\r
+setw -g window-status-current-bg red\r
+setw -g window-status-current-attr bright\r
+# pane colors\r
+set -g pane-border-fg green\r
+set -g pane-border-bg black\r
+set -g pane-active-border-fg white\r
+set -g pane-active-border-bg yellow\r
+# Command / message line\r
+set -g message-fg white\r
+set -g message-bg black\r
+set -g message-attr bright\r
+# Status line left side\r
+set -g status-left-length 40\r
+set -g status-left "#[fg=green]Session: #S #[fg=yellow]#I #[fg=cyan]#P"\r
+set -g status-utf8 on\r
+# Status line right side\r
+# 15% | 28 Nov 18:15\r
+set -g status-right "#(~/battery Discharging) | #[fg=cyan]%d %b %R"\r
+# Update the status bar every sixty seconds\r
+set -g status-interval 60\r
+# Center the window list\r
+set -g status-justify centre\r
+set -g detach-on-destroy off\r
+# Increase history-limit for scrolling (default is 2000)\r
+set-option -g history-limit 15000\r
+# mouse support - set to on if you want to use the mouse\r
+#setw -g mode-mouse on\r
+#set -g mouse-select-pane on\r
+#set -g mouse-resize-pane on\r
+#set -g mouse-select-window on\r
+#set -g mouse-utf8 on\r
+# enable vi keys.\r
+setw -g mode-keys vi\r
+# Reload the file with Prefix r\r
+bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!"\r
+# splitting panes\r
+bind c neww -c "#{pane_current_path}"\r
+bind | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"\r
+bind - split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"\r
+# moving between panes\r
+bind h select-pane -L\r
+bind j select-pane -D\r
+bind k select-pane -U\r
+bind l select-pane -R\r
+# Quick pane selection\r
+bind -r C-h select-window -t :-\r
+bind -r C-l select-window -t :+\r
+# Pane resizing\r
+bind -r H resize-pane -L 5\r
+bind -r J resize-pane -D 5\r
+bind -r K resize-pane -U 5\r
+bind -r L resize-pane -R 5\r
+# Open panes in the same directory using the tmux-panes script\r
+unbind v\r
+unbind n\r
+bind v send-keys " ~/tmux-panes -h" C-m\r
+bind n send-keys " ~/tmux-panes -v" C-m\r
+# Maximize and restore a pane\r
+unbind Up\r
+bind Up new-window -d -n tmp \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; select-window -t tmp\r
+unbind Down\r
+bind Down last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t tmp\r
+# Log output to a text file on demand\r
+bind P pipe-pane -o "cat >>~/#W.log" \; display "Toggled logging to ~/#W.log"\r
+# better binding for copy mode\r
+bind v copy-mode\r
+# Select/yank like vim\r
+bind -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection\r
+bind -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection\r
+# open tree instead of session list\r
+bind s run 'tmuxer choose-session'\r
+bind-key -t vi-choice h tree-collapse\r
+bind-key -t vi-choice l tree-expand\r
+# local/private settings\r
+source-file ~/.tmux_local.conf\r
-sudo dnf install kernel-$1
-sudo dnf install akmod-wl "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
-sudo akmods
+sudo dnf install kernel-$1\r
+sudo dnf install akmod-wl "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"\r
+sudo akmods\r
-make install PREFIX=$PREFIX/apps/luajit MULTILIB=lib
+make install PREFIX=$PREFIX/apps/luajit MULTILIB=lib\r
-./configure \
---prefix=$PREFIX \
---with-features=huge \
---with-compiledby="ejannza" \
---enable-multibyte \
---enable-gui=gtk2 \
---enable-luainterp \
---with-lua-prefix=$PREFIX --with-luajit \
---enable-gpm \
---enable-cscope \
---enable-fontset \
-make install prefix=$PREFIX/apps/vim
+./configure \\r
+--prefix=$PREFIX \\r
+--with-features=huge \\r
+--with-compiledby="ejannza" \\r
+--enable-multibyte \\r
+--enable-gui=gtk2 \\r
+--enable-luainterp \\r
+--with-lua-prefix=$PREFIX --with-luajit \\r
+--enable-gpm \\r
+--enable-cscope \\r
+--enable-fontset \\r
+make install prefix=$PREFIX/apps/vim\r
-SendMode Input
-; Disable default CapsLock functionality
-SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
-; Post Esc if pressed alone
- ; If you want to override CapsLock functionality for specific windows, etc.
- ; Just define an OverrideCapsLock() function where you #include this script!
- OverrideFunction := "OverrideCapsLock"
- ; Call the function dynamically to allow for silent failure.
- if (Overridden := %OverrideFunction%()) {
- Send {%Overridden%}
- return
- }
- KeyWait, CapsLock
- if (A_PriorKey="CapsLock")
- Send {Esc}
-; Map CapsLock modified hjkl movement
-#If, GetKeyState("CapsLock", "P")
+SendMode Input\r
+; Disable default CapsLock functionality\r
+SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff\r
+; Post Esc if pressed alone\r
+ ; If you want to override CapsLock functionality for specific windows, etc.\r
+ ; Just define an OverrideCapsLock() function where you #include this script!\r
+ OverrideFunction := "OverrideCapsLock"\r
+ \r
+ ; Call the function dynamically to allow for silent failure.\r
+ if (Overridden := %OverrideFunction%()) {\r
+ Send {%Overridden%}\r
+ return\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ KeyWait, CapsLock\r
+ if (A_PriorKey="CapsLock")\r
+ Send {Esc}\r
+; Map CapsLock modified hjkl movement\r
+#If, GetKeyState("CapsLock", "P")\r
-@echo off
-SET vim_path = %USERPROFILE%\apps\vim\vim73\gvim.exe
-> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO REGEDIT4
->> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\vim]
->> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO @="Edit with &Vim"
->> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\vim\command]
-SET v_test=%USERPROFILE%\apps\vim\vim73\gvim.exe
-Set v_replacement=\\
-SET v_result=%v_test:\=\\%
+@echo off\r
+SET vim_path = %USERPROFILE%\apps\vim\vim73\gvim.exe\r
+> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO REGEDIT4\r
+>> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\vim]\r
+>> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO @="Edit with &Vim"\r
+>> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\vim\command]\r
+SET v_test=%USERPROFILE%\apps\vim\vim73\gvim.exe\r
+Set v_replacement=\\\r
+SET v_result=%v_test:\=\\%\r
>> edit_with_vim.reg ECHO @="%v_result% \"%%1\""
\ No newline at end of file
-# Copyright 2010 - 2012, Tim Henigan <tim.henigan@gmail.com>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-# the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Perform a directory diff between commits in the repository using
-# the external diff or merge tool specified in the user's config.
-USAGE='[--cached] [--copy-back] [-x|--extcmd=<command>] <commit>{0,2} [-- <path>*]
- --cached Compare to the index rather than the working tree.
- --copy-back Copy files back to the working tree when the diff
- tool exits (in case they were modified by the
- user). This option is only valid if the diff
- compared with the working tree.
- -x=<command>
- --extcmd=<command> Specify a custom command for viewing diffs.
- git-diffall ignores the configured defaults and
- runs $command $LOCAL $REMOTE when this option is
- specified. Additionally, $BASE is set in the
- environment.
-. "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup"
-. "$(git --exec-path)/git-mergetool--lib"
-if test -z "$merge_tool"
- echo "Error: Either the 'diff.tool' or 'merge.tool' option must be set."
- usage
-# All the file paths returned by the diff command are relative to the root
-# of the working copy. So if the script is called from a subdirectory, it
-# must switch to the root of working copy before trying to use those paths.
-cdup=$(git rev-parse --show-cdup) &&
-cd "$cdup" || {
- echo >&2 "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree"
- exit 1
-# set up temp dir
-tmp=$(perl -e 'use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
- $t=tempdir("/tmp/git-diffall.XXXXX") or exit(1);
- print $t') || exit 1
-#trap 'rm -rf "$tmp"' EXIT
-while test $# != 0
- case "$1" in
- -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help)
- usage
- ;;
- --cached)
- compare_staged=1
- ;;
- --copy-back)
- copy_back=1
- ;;
- -x|--e|--ex|--ext|--extc|--extcm|--extcmd)
- if test $# = 1
- then
- echo You must specify the tool for use with --extcmd
- usage
- else
- diff_tool=$2
- shift
- fi
- ;;
- --)
- dashdash_seen=1
- ;;
- -*)
- echo Invalid option: "$1"
- usage
- ;;
- *)
- # could be commit, commit range or path limiter
- case "$1" in
- *...*)
- left=${1%...*}
- right=${1#*...}
- merge_base=1
- ;;
- *..*)
- left=${1%..*}
- right=${1#*..}
- ;;
- *)
- if test -n "$dashdash_seen"
- then
- paths="$paths$1 "
- elif test -z "$left"
- then
- left=$1
- elif test -z "$right"
- then
- right=$1
- else
- paths="$paths$1 "
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-# Determine the set of files which changed
-if test -n "$left" && test -n "$right"
- left_dir="cmt-$(git rev-parse --short $left)"
- right_dir="cmt-$(git rev-parse --short $right)"
- if test -n "$compare_staged"
- then
- usage
- elif test -n "$merge_base"
- then
- git diff --name-only "$left"..."$right" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"
- else
- git diff --name-only "$left" "$right" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"
- fi
-elif test -n "$left"
- left_dir="cmt-$(git rev-parse --short $left)"
- if test -n "$compare_staged"
- then
- right_dir="staged"
- git diff --name-only --cached "$left" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"
- else
- right_dir="working_tree"
- git diff --name-only "$left" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"
- fi
- left_dir="HEAD"
- if test -n "$compare_staged"
- then
- right_dir="staged"
- git diff --name-only --cached -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"
- else
- right_dir="working_tree"
- git diff --name-only -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"
- fi
-# Exit immediately if there are no diffs
-if test ! -s "$tmp/filelist"
- exit 0
-if test -n "$copy_back" && test "$right_dir" != "working_tree"
- echo "--copy-back is only valid when diff includes the working tree."
- exit 1
-# Create the named tmp directories that will hold the files to be compared
-mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir" "$tmp/$right_dir"
-# Populate the tmp/right_dir directory with the files to be compared
-while read name
- if test -n "$right"
- then
- ls_list=$(git ls-tree $right "$name")
- if test -n "$ls_list"
- then
- mkdir -p "$tmp/$right_dir/$(dirname "$name")"
- git show "$right":"$name" >"$tmp/$right_dir/$name" || true
- fi
- elif test -n "$compare_staged"
- then
- ls_list=$(git ls-files -- "$name")
- if test -n "$ls_list"
- then
- mkdir -p "$tmp/$right_dir/$(dirname "$name")"
- git show :"$name" >"$tmp/$right_dir/$name"
- fi
- else
- if test -e "$name"
- then
- mkdir -p "$tmp/$right_dir/$(dirname "$name")"
- cp "$name" "$tmp/$right_dir/$name"
- fi
- fi
-done < "$tmp/filelist"
-# Populate the tmp/left_dir directory with the files to be compared
-while read name
- if test -n "$left"
- then
- ls_list=$(git ls-tree $left "$name")
- if test -n "$ls_list"
- then
- mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir/$(dirname "$name")"
- git show "$left":"$name" >"$tmp/$left_dir/$name" || true
- fi
- else
- if test -n "$compare_staged"
- then
- ls_list=$(git ls-tree HEAD "$name")
- if test -n "$ls_list"
- then
- mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir/$(dirname "$name")"
- git show HEAD:"$name" >"$tmp/$left_dir/$name"
- fi
- else
- mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir/$(dirname "$name")"
- git show :"$name" >"$tmp/$left_dir/$name"
- fi
- fi
-done < "$tmp/filelist"
-if test -n "$diff_tool"
- export BASE
- eval $diff_tool '"$LOCAL"' '"$REMOTE"'
- run_merge_tool "$merge_tool" false
-# Copy files back to the working dir, if requested
-if test -n "$copy_back" && test "$right_dir" = "working_tree"
- cd "$start_dir"
- git_top_dir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
- find "$tmp/$right_dir" -type f |
- while read file
- do
- cp "$file" "$git_top_dir/${file#$tmp/$right_dir/}"
- done
+# Copyright 2010 - 2012, Tim Henigan <tim.henigan@gmail.com>\r
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\r
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\r
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\r
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\r
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\r
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\r
+# the following conditions:\r
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\r
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
+# Perform a directory diff between commits in the repository using\r
+# the external diff or merge tool specified in the user's config.\r
+USAGE='[--cached] [--copy-back] [-x|--extcmd=<command>] <commit>{0,2} [-- <path>*]\r
+ --cached Compare to the index rather than the working tree.\r
+ --copy-back Copy files back to the working tree when the diff\r
+ tool exits (in case they were modified by the\r
+ user). This option is only valid if the diff\r
+ compared with the working tree.\r
+ -x=<command>\r
+ --extcmd=<command> Specify a custom command for viewing diffs.\r
+ git-diffall ignores the configured defaults and\r
+ runs $command $LOCAL $REMOTE when this option is\r
+ specified. Additionally, $BASE is set in the\r
+ environment.\r
+. "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup"\r
+. "$(git --exec-path)/git-mergetool--lib"\r
+if test -z "$merge_tool"\r
+ echo "Error: Either the 'diff.tool' or 'merge.tool' option must be set."\r
+ usage\r
+# All the file paths returned by the diff command are relative to the root\r
+# of the working copy. So if the script is called from a subdirectory, it\r
+# must switch to the root of working copy before trying to use those paths.\r
+cdup=$(git rev-parse --show-cdup) &&\r
+cd "$cdup" || {\r
+ echo >&2 "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree"\r
+ exit 1\r
+# set up temp dir\r
+tmp=$(perl -e 'use File::Temp qw(tempdir);\r
+ $t=tempdir("/tmp/git-diffall.XXXXX") or exit(1);\r
+ print $t') || exit 1\r
+#trap 'rm -rf "$tmp"' EXIT\r
+while test $# != 0\r
+ case "$1" in\r
+ -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help)\r
+ usage\r
+ ;;\r
+ --cached)\r
+ compare_staged=1\r
+ ;;\r
+ --copy-back)\r
+ copy_back=1\r
+ ;;\r
+ -x|--e|--ex|--ext|--extc|--extcm|--extcmd)\r
+ if test $# = 1\r
+ then\r
+ echo You must specify the tool for use with --extcmd\r
+ usage\r
+ else\r
+ diff_tool=$2\r
+ shift\r
+ fi\r
+ ;;\r
+ --)\r
+ dashdash_seen=1\r
+ ;;\r
+ -*)\r
+ echo Invalid option: "$1"\r
+ usage\r
+ ;;\r
+ *)\r
+ # could be commit, commit range or path limiter\r
+ case "$1" in\r
+ *...*)\r
+ left=${1%...*}\r
+ right=${1#*...}\r
+ merge_base=1\r
+ ;;\r
+ *..*)\r
+ left=${1%..*}\r
+ right=${1#*..}\r
+ ;;\r
+ *)\r
+ if test -n "$dashdash_seen"\r
+ then\r
+ paths="$paths$1 "\r
+ elif test -z "$left"\r
+ then\r
+ left=$1\r
+ elif test -z "$right"\r
+ then\r
+ right=$1\r
+ else\r
+ paths="$paths$1 "\r
+ fi\r
+ ;;\r
+ esac\r
+ ;;\r
+ esac\r
+ shift\r
+# Determine the set of files which changed\r
+if test -n "$left" && test -n "$right"\r
+ left_dir="cmt-$(git rev-parse --short $left)"\r
+ right_dir="cmt-$(git rev-parse --short $right)"\r
+ if test -n "$compare_staged"\r
+ then\r
+ usage\r
+ elif test -n "$merge_base"\r
+ then\r
+ git diff --name-only "$left"..."$right" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"\r
+ else\r
+ git diff --name-only "$left" "$right" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"\r
+ fi\r
+elif test -n "$left"\r
+ left_dir="cmt-$(git rev-parse --short $left)"\r
+ if test -n "$compare_staged"\r
+ then\r
+ right_dir="staged"\r
+ git diff --name-only --cached "$left" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"\r
+ else\r
+ right_dir="working_tree"\r
+ git diff --name-only "$left" -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"\r
+ fi\r
+ left_dir="HEAD"\r
+ if test -n "$compare_staged"\r
+ then\r
+ right_dir="staged"\r
+ git diff --name-only --cached -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"\r
+ else\r
+ right_dir="working_tree"\r
+ git diff --name-only -- $paths >"$tmp/filelist"\r
+ fi\r
+# Exit immediately if there are no diffs\r
+if test ! -s "$tmp/filelist"\r
+ exit 0\r
+if test -n "$copy_back" && test "$right_dir" != "working_tree"\r
+ echo "--copy-back is only valid when diff includes the working tree."\r
+ exit 1\r
+# Create the named tmp directories that will hold the files to be compared\r
+mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir" "$tmp/$right_dir"\r
+# Populate the tmp/right_dir directory with the files to be compared\r
+while read name\r
+ if test -n "$right"\r
+ then\r
+ ls_list=$(git ls-tree $right "$name")\r
+ if test -n "$ls_list"\r
+ then\r
+ mkdir -p "$tmp/$right_dir/$(dirname "$name")"\r
+ git show "$right":"$name" >"$tmp/$right_dir/$name" || true\r
+ fi\r
+ elif test -n "$compare_staged"\r
+ then\r
+ ls_list=$(git ls-files -- "$name")\r
+ if test -n "$ls_list"\r
+ then\r
+ mkdir -p "$tmp/$right_dir/$(dirname "$name")"\r
+ git show :"$name" >"$tmp/$right_dir/$name"\r
+ fi\r
+ else\r
+ if test -e "$name"\r
+ then\r
+ mkdir -p "$tmp/$right_dir/$(dirname "$name")"\r
+ cp "$name" "$tmp/$right_dir/$name"\r
+ fi\r
+ fi\r
+done < "$tmp/filelist"\r
+# Populate the tmp/left_dir directory with the files to be compared\r
+while read name\r
+ if test -n "$left"\r
+ then\r
+ ls_list=$(git ls-tree $left "$name")\r
+ if test -n "$ls_list"\r
+ then\r
+ mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir/$(dirname "$name")"\r
+ git show "$left":"$name" >"$tmp/$left_dir/$name" || true\r
+ fi\r
+ else\r
+ if test -n "$compare_staged"\r
+ then\r
+ ls_list=$(git ls-tree HEAD "$name")\r
+ if test -n "$ls_list"\r
+ then\r
+ mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir/$(dirname "$name")"\r
+ git show HEAD:"$name" >"$tmp/$left_dir/$name"\r
+ fi\r
+ else\r
+ mkdir -p "$tmp/$left_dir/$(dirname "$name")"\r
+ git show :"$name" >"$tmp/$left_dir/$name"\r
+ fi\r
+ fi\r
+done < "$tmp/filelist"\r
+if test -n "$diff_tool"\r
+ export BASE\r
+ eval $diff_tool '"$LOCAL"' '"$REMOTE"'\r
+ run_merge_tool "$merge_tool" false\r
+# Copy files back to the working dir, if requested\r
+if test -n "$copy_back" && test "$right_dir" = "working_tree"\r
+ cd "$start_dir"\r
+ git_top_dir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)\r
+ find "$tmp/$right_dir" -type f |\r
+ while read file\r
+ do\r
+ cp "$file" "$git_top_dir/${file#$tmp/$right_dir/}"\r
+ done\r
\ No newline at end of file