# last line
[ -f ~/.bashrc_local ] && . ~/.bashrc_local
-#LS_COLORS="ow=01;36;40" && export LS_COLORS
+LS_COLORS="ow=01;36;40" && export LS_COLORS
[ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && source ~/.fzf.bash
if [ -e /usr/bin/vimx ]; then alias vim='/usr/bin/vimx'; fi
# Shortcuts
-alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME'
+alias cfg='git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg --work-tree=$HOME'
alias g='git'
alias h='history'
alias j='jobs'
name = Jannik ZANDER
email = jzander@grundfos.com
- autocrlf = true
+ autocrlf = input
Plug 'mileszs/ack.vim'
Plug 'jeetsukumaran/vim-filesearch'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
-"Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
+Plug 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
Plug 'johnsyweb/vim-makeshift'
Plug 'tfnico/vim-gradle'
"set foldclose=all
"set foldopen+=jump
set guioptions+=a
+set guioptions-=m "menu bar
+set guioptions-=T "toolbar
+set guioptions-=r "scroolbar
set history=200
set incsearch " incremental search
set laststatus=2 " always show status line
# dotfiles
What you need to do on the new box is this:
$ cd $HOME
- $ git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
- $ alias dot='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME'
- $ dot config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- $ dot remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:jannikz/dotfiles.git
- $ dot fetch
- $ dot reset --hard origin/master
- $ dot branch -u origin/master
\ No newline at end of file
+ $ git init --bare $HOME/.cfg
+ $ alias cfg='git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg --work-tree=$HOME'
+ $ cfg config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
+ $ cfg remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:jannikz/dotfiles.git
+ $ cfg fetch
+ $ cfg reset --hard origin/master
+ $ cfg branch -u origin/master