+++ /dev/null
-" Copyright (c) 2017 Junegunn Choi
-" MIT License
-" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-" the following conditions:
-" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-if exists('g:loaded_fzf')
- finish
-let g:loaded_fzf = 1
-let s:is_win = has('win32') || has('win64')
-if s:is_win && &shellslash
- set noshellslash
- let s:base_dir = expand('<sfile>:h:h')
- set shellslash
- let s:base_dir = expand('<sfile>:h:h')
-if s:is_win
- let s:term_marker = '&::FZF'
- function! s:fzf_call(fn, ...)
- let shellslash = &shellslash
- try
- set noshellslash
- return call(a:fn, a:000)
- finally
- let &shellslash = shellslash
- endtry
- endfunction
- " Use utf-8 for fzf.vim commands
- " Return array of shell commands for cmd.exe
- let s:codepage = libcallnr('kernel32.dll', 'GetACP', 0)
- function! s:enc_to_cp(str)
- return iconv(a:str, &encoding, 'cp'.s:codepage)
- endfunction
- function! s:wrap_cmds(cmds)
- return map([
- \ '@echo off',
- \ 'setlocal enabledelayedexpansion']
- \ + (has('gui_running') ? ['set TERM= > nul'] : [])
- \ + (type(a:cmds) == type([]) ? a:cmds : [a:cmds])
- \ + ['endlocal'],
- \ '<SID>enc_to_cp(v:val."\r")')
- endfunction
- let s:term_marker = ";#FZF"
- function! s:fzf_call(fn, ...)
- return call(a:fn, a:000)
- endfunction
- function! s:wrap_cmds(cmds)
- return a:cmds
- endfunction
- function! s:enc_to_cp(str)
- return a:str
- endfunction
-function! s:shellesc_cmd(arg)
- let escaped = substitute(a:arg, '[&|<>()@^]', '^&', 'g')
- let escaped = substitute(escaped, '%', '%%', 'g')
- let escaped = substitute(escaped, '"', '\\^&', 'g')
- let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\\\+\)\(\\^\)', '\1\1\2', 'g')
- return '^"'.substitute(escaped, '\(\\\+\)$', '\1\1', '').'^"'
-function! fzf#shellescape(arg, ...)
- let shell = get(a:000, 0, s:is_win ? 'cmd.exe' : 'sh')
- if shell =~# 'cmd.exe$'
- return s:shellesc_cmd(a:arg)
- endif
- return s:fzf_call('shellescape', a:arg)
-function! s:fzf_getcwd()
- return s:fzf_call('getcwd')
-function! s:fzf_fnamemodify(fname, mods)
- return s:fzf_call('fnamemodify', a:fname, a:mods)
-function! s:fzf_expand(fmt)
- return s:fzf_call('expand', a:fmt, 1)
-function! s:fzf_tempname()
- return s:fzf_call('tempname')
-let s:default_layout = { 'down': '~40%' }
-let s:layout_keys = ['window', 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right']
-let s:fzf_go = s:base_dir.'/bin/fzf'
-let s:fzf_tmux = s:base_dir.'/bin/fzf-tmux'
-let s:install = s:base_dir.'/install'
-let s:installed = 0
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-function! s:fzf_exec()
- if !exists('s:exec')
- if executable(s:fzf_go)
- let s:exec = s:fzf_go
- elseif executable('fzf')
- let s:exec = 'fzf'
- elseif s:is_win && !has('win32unix')
- call s:warn('fzf executable not found.')
- call s:warn('Download fzf binary for Windows from https://github.com/junegunn/fzf-bin/releases/')
- call s:warn('and place it as '.s:base_dir.'\bin\fzf.exe')
- throw 'fzf executable not found'
- elseif !s:installed && executable(s:install) &&
- \ input('fzf executable not found. Download binary? (y/n) ') =~? '^y'
- redraw
- echo
- call s:warn('Downloading fzf binary. Please wait ...')
- let s:installed = 1
- call system(s:install.' --bin')
- return s:fzf_exec()
- else
- redraw
- throw 'fzf executable not found'
- endif
- endif
- return fzf#shellescape(s:exec)
-function! s:tmux_enabled()
- if has('gui_running')
- return 0
- endif
- if exists('s:tmux')
- return s:tmux
- endif
- let s:tmux = 0
- if exists('$TMUX') && executable(s:fzf_tmux)
- let output = system('tmux -V')
- let s:tmux = !v:shell_error && output >= 'tmux 1.7'
- endif
- return s:tmux
-function! s:escape(path)
- let path = fnameescape(a:path)
- return s:is_win ? escape(path, '$') : path
-" Upgrade legacy options
-function! s:upgrade(dict)
- let copy = copy(a:dict)
- if has_key(copy, 'tmux')
- let copy.down = remove(copy, 'tmux')
- endif
- if has_key(copy, 'tmux_height')
- let copy.down = remove(copy, 'tmux_height')
- endif
- if has_key(copy, 'tmux_width')
- let copy.right = remove(copy, 'tmux_width')
- endif
- return copy
-function! s:error(msg)
- echohl ErrorMsg
- echom a:msg
- echohl None
-function! s:warn(msg)
- echohl WarningMsg
- echom a:msg
- echohl None
-function! s:has_any(dict, keys)
- for key in a:keys
- if has_key(a:dict, key)
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-function! s:open(cmd, target)
- if stridx('edit', a:cmd) == 0 && s:fzf_fnamemodify(a:target, ':p') ==# s:fzf_expand('%:p')
- return
- endif
- execute a:cmd s:escape(a:target)
-function! s:common_sink(action, lines) abort
- if len(a:lines) < 2
- return
- endif
- let key = remove(a:lines, 0)
- let Cmd = get(a:action, key, 'e')
- if type(Cmd) == type(function('call'))
- return Cmd(a:lines)
- endif
- if len(a:lines) > 1
- augroup fzf_swap
- autocmd SwapExists * let v:swapchoice='o'
- \| call s:warn('fzf: E325: swap file exists: '.s:fzf_expand('<afile>'))
- augroup END
- endif
- try
- let empty = empty(s:fzf_expand('%')) && line('$') == 1 && empty(getline(1)) && !&modified
- let autochdir = &autochdir
- set noautochdir
- for item in a:lines
- if empty
- execute 'e' s:escape(item)
- let empty = 0
- else
- call s:open(Cmd, item)
- endif
- if !has('patch-8.0.0177') && !has('nvim-0.2') && exists('#BufEnter')
- \ && isdirectory(item)
- doautocmd BufEnter
- endif
- endfor
- catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
- finally
- let &autochdir = autochdir
- silent! autocmd! fzf_swap
- endtry
-function! s:get_color(attr, ...)
- let gui = !s:is_win && !has('win32unix') && has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors
- let fam = gui ? 'gui' : 'cterm'
- let pat = gui ? '^#[a-f0-9]\+' : '^[0-9]\+$'
- for group in a:000
- let code = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(group)), a:attr, fam)
- if code =~? pat
- return code
- endif
- endfor
- return ''
-function! s:defaults()
- let rules = copy(get(g:, 'fzf_colors', {}))
- let colors = join(map(items(filter(map(rules, 'call("s:get_color", v:val)'), '!empty(v:val)')), 'join(v:val, ":")'), ',')
- return empty(colors) ? '' : fzf#shellescape('--color='.colors)
-function! s:validate_layout(layout)
- for key in keys(a:layout)
- if index(s:layout_keys, key) < 0
- throw printf('Invalid entry in g:fzf_layout: %s (allowed: %s)%s',
- \ key, join(s:layout_keys, ', '), key == 'options' ? '. Use $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS.' : '')
- endif
- endfor
- return a:layout
-function! s:evaluate_opts(options)
- return type(a:options) == type([]) ?
- \ join(map(copy(a:options), 'fzf#shellescape(v:val)')) : a:options
-" [name string,] [opts dict,] [fullscreen boolean]
-function! fzf#wrap(...)
- let args = ['', {}, 0]
- let expects = map(copy(args), 'type(v:val)')
- let tidx = 0
- for arg in copy(a:000)
- let tidx = index(expects, type(arg), tidx)
- if tidx < 0
- throw 'Invalid arguments (expected: [name string] [opts dict] [fullscreen boolean])'
- endif
- let args[tidx] = arg
- let tidx += 1
- unlet arg
- endfor
- let [name, opts, bang] = args
- if len(name)
- let opts.name = name
- end
- " Layout: g:fzf_layout (and deprecated g:fzf_height)
- if bang
- for key in s:layout_keys
- if has_key(opts, key)
- call remove(opts, key)
- endif
- endfor
- elseif !s:has_any(opts, s:layout_keys)
- if !exists('g:fzf_layout') && exists('g:fzf_height')
- let opts.down = g:fzf_height
- else
- let opts = extend(opts, s:validate_layout(get(g:, 'fzf_layout', s:default_layout)))
- endif
- endif
- " Colors: g:fzf_colors
- let opts.options = s:defaults() .' '. s:evaluate_opts(get(opts, 'options', ''))
- " History: g:fzf_history_dir
- if len(name) && len(get(g:, 'fzf_history_dir', ''))
- let dir = s:fzf_expand(g:fzf_history_dir)
- if !isdirectory(dir)
- call mkdir(dir, 'p')
- endif
- let history = fzf#shellescape(dir.'/'.name)
- let opts.options = join(['--history', history, opts.options])
- endif
- " Action: g:fzf_action
- if !s:has_any(opts, ['sink', 'sink*'])
- let opts._action = get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action)
- let opts.options .= ' --expect='.join(keys(opts._action), ',')
- function! opts.sink(lines) abort
- return s:common_sink(self._action, a:lines)
- endfunction
- let opts['sink*'] = remove(opts, 'sink')
- endif
- return opts
-function! s:use_sh()
- let [shell, shellslash, shellcmdflag, shellxquote] = [&shell, &shellslash, &shellcmdflag, &shellxquote]
- if s:is_win
- set shell=cmd.exe
- set noshellslash
- let &shellcmdflag = has('nvim') ? '/s /c' : '/c'
- let &shellxquote = has('nvim') ? '"' : '('
- else
- set shell=sh
- endif
- return [shell, shellslash, shellcmdflag, shellxquote]
-function! fzf#run(...) abort
- let [shell, shellslash, shellcmdflag, shellxquote] = s:use_sh()
- let dict = exists('a:1') ? s:upgrade(a:1) : {}
- let temps = { 'result': s:fzf_tempname() }
- let optstr = s:evaluate_opts(get(dict, 'options', ''))
- try
- let fzf_exec = s:fzf_exec()
- catch
- throw v:exception
- endtry
- if !has_key(dict, 'dir')
- let dict.dir = s:fzf_getcwd()
- endif
- if has('win32unix') && has_key(dict, 'dir')
- let dict.dir = fnamemodify(dict.dir, ':p')
- endif
- if !has_key(dict, 'source') && !empty($FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND) && !s:is_win
- let temps.source = s:fzf_tempname()
- call writefile(s:wrap_cmds(split($FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND, "\n")), temps.source)
- let dict.source = (empty($SHELL) ? &shell : $SHELL).' '.fzf#shellescape(temps.source)
- endif
- if has_key(dict, 'source')
- let source = dict.source
- let type = type(source)
- if type == 1
- let prefix = '( '.source.' )|'
- elseif type == 3
- let temps.input = s:fzf_tempname()
- call writefile(map(source, '<SID>enc_to_cp(v:val)'), temps.input)
- let prefix = (s:is_win ? 'type ' : 'cat ').fzf#shellescape(temps.input).'|'
- else
- throw 'Invalid source type'
- endif
- else
- let prefix = ''
- endif
- let prefer_tmux = get(g:, 'fzf_prefer_tmux', 0)
- let use_height = has_key(dict, 'down') && !has('gui_running') &&
- \ !(has('nvim') || s:is_win || has('win32unix') || s:present(dict, 'up', 'left', 'right', 'window')) &&
- \ executable('tput') && filereadable('/dev/tty')
- let has_vim8_term = has('terminal') && has('patch-8.0.995')
- let has_nvim_term = has('nvim-0.2.1') || has('nvim') && !s:is_win
- let use_term = has_nvim_term ||
- \ has_vim8_term && !has('win32unix') && (has('gui_running') || s:is_win || !use_height && s:present(dict, 'down', 'up', 'left', 'right', 'window'))
- let use_tmux = (!use_height && !use_term || prefer_tmux) && !has('win32unix') && s:tmux_enabled() && s:splittable(dict)
- if prefer_tmux && use_tmux
- let use_height = 0
- let use_term = 0
- endif
- if use_height
- let height = s:calc_size(&lines, dict.down, dict)
- let optstr .= ' --height='.height
- elseif use_term
- let optstr .= ' --no-height'
- endif
- let command = prefix.(use_tmux ? s:fzf_tmux(dict) : fzf_exec).' '.optstr.' > '.temps.result
- if use_term
- return s:execute_term(dict, command, temps)
- endif
- let lines = use_tmux ? s:execute_tmux(dict, command, temps)
- \ : s:execute(dict, command, use_height, temps)
- call s:callback(dict, lines)
- return lines
- let [&shell, &shellslash, &shellcmdflag, &shellxquote] = [shell, shellslash, shellcmdflag, shellxquote]
-function! s:present(dict, ...)
- for key in a:000
- if !empty(get(a:dict, key, ''))
- return 1
- endif
- endfor
- return 0
-function! s:fzf_tmux(dict)
- let size = ''
- for o in ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']
- if s:present(a:dict, o)
- let spec = a:dict[o]
- if (o == 'up' || o == 'down') && spec[0] == '~'
- let size = '-'.o[0].s:calc_size(&lines, spec, a:dict)
- else
- " Legacy boolean option
- let size = '-'.o[0].(spec == 1 ? '' : substitute(spec, '^\~', '', ''))
- endif
- break
- endif
- endfor
- return printf('LINES=%d COLUMNS=%d %s %s %s --',
- \ &lines, &columns, fzf#shellescape(s:fzf_tmux), size, (has_key(a:dict, 'source') ? '' : '-'))
-function! s:splittable(dict)
- return s:present(a:dict, 'up', 'down') && &lines > 15 ||
- \ s:present(a:dict, 'left', 'right') && &columns > 40
-function! s:pushd(dict)
- if s:present(a:dict, 'dir')
- let cwd = s:fzf_getcwd()
- let w:fzf_pushd = {
- \ 'command': haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : (exists(':tcd') && haslocaldir(-1) ? 'tcd' : 'cd'),
- \ 'origin': cwd,
- \ 'bufname': bufname('')
- \ }
- execute 'lcd' s:escape(a:dict.dir)
- let cwd = s:fzf_getcwd()
- let w:fzf_pushd.dir = cwd
- let a:dict.pushd = w:fzf_pushd
- return cwd
- endif
- return ''
-augroup fzf_popd
- autocmd!
- autocmd WinEnter * call s:dopopd()
-augroup END
-function! s:dopopd()
- if !exists('w:fzf_pushd')
- return
- endif
- " FIXME: We temporarily change the working directory to 'dir' entry
- " of options dictionary (set to the current working directory if not given)
- " before running fzf.
- "
- " e.g. call fzf#run({'dir': '/tmp', 'source': 'ls', 'sink': 'e'})
- "
- " After processing the sink function, we have to restore the current working
- " directory. But doing so may not be desirable if the function changed the
- " working directory on purpose.
- "
- " So how can we tell if we should do it or not? A simple heuristic we use
- " here is that we change directory only if the current working directory
- " matches 'dir' entry. However, it is possible that the sink function did
- " change the directory to 'dir'. In that case, the user will have an
- " unexpected result.
- if s:fzf_getcwd() ==# w:fzf_pushd.dir && (!&autochdir || w:fzf_pushd.bufname ==# bufname(''))
- execute w:fzf_pushd.command s:escape(w:fzf_pushd.origin)
- endif
- unlet w:fzf_pushd
-function! s:xterm_launcher()
- let fmt = 'xterm -T "[fzf]" -bg "%s" -fg "%s" -geometry %dx%d+%d+%d -e bash -ic %%s'
- if has('gui_macvim')
- let fmt .= '&& osascript -e "tell application \"MacVim\" to activate"'
- endif
- return printf(fmt,
- \ escape(synIDattr(hlID("Normal"), "bg"), '#'), escape(synIDattr(hlID("Normal"), "fg"), '#'),
- \ &columns, &lines/2, getwinposx(), getwinposy())
-unlet! s:launcher
-if s:is_win || has('win32unix')
- let s:launcher = '%s'
- let s:launcher = function('s:xterm_launcher')
-function! s:exit_handler(code, command, ...)
- if a:code == 130
- return 0
- elseif has('nvim') && a:code == 129
- " When deleting the terminal buffer while fzf is still running,
- " Nvim sends SIGHUP.
- return 0
- elseif a:code > 1
- call s:error('Error running ' . a:command)
- if !empty(a:000)
- sleep
- endif
- return 0
- endif
- return 1
-function! s:execute(dict, command, use_height, temps) abort
- call s:pushd(a:dict)
- if has('unix') && !a:use_height
- silent! !clear 2> /dev/null
- endif
- let escaped = (a:use_height || s:is_win) ? a:command : escape(substitute(a:command, '\n', '\\n', 'g'), '%#!')
- if has('gui_running')
- let Launcher = get(a:dict, 'launcher', get(g:, 'Fzf_launcher', get(g:, 'fzf_launcher', s:launcher)))
- let fmt = type(Launcher) == 2 ? call(Launcher, []) : Launcher
- if has('unix')
- let escaped = "'".substitute(escaped, "'", "'\"'\"'", 'g')."'"
- endif
- let command = printf(fmt, escaped)
- else
- let command = escaped
- endif
- if s:is_win
- let batchfile = s:fzf_tempname().'.bat'
- call writefile(s:wrap_cmds(command), batchfile)
- let command = batchfile
- let a:temps.batchfile = batchfile
- if has('nvim')
- let fzf = {}
- let fzf.dict = a:dict
- let fzf.temps = a:temps
- function! fzf.on_exit(job_id, exit_status, event) dict
- call s:pushd(self.dict)
- let lines = s:collect(self.temps)
- call s:callback(self.dict, lines)
- endfunction
- let cmd = 'start /wait cmd /c '.command
- call jobstart(cmd, fzf)
- return []
- endif
- elseif has('win32unix') && $TERM !=# 'cygwin'
- let shellscript = s:fzf_tempname()
- call writefile([command], shellscript)
- let command = 'cmd.exe /C '.fzf#shellescape('set "TERM=" & start /WAIT sh -c '.shellscript)
- let a:temps.shellscript = shellscript
- endif
- if a:use_height
- let stdin = has_key(a:dict, 'source') ? '' : '< /dev/tty'
- call system(printf('tput cup %d > /dev/tty; tput cnorm > /dev/tty; %s %s 2> /dev/tty', &lines, command, stdin))
- else
- execute 'silent !'.command
- endif
- let exit_status = v:shell_error
- redraw!
- return s:exit_handler(exit_status, command) ? s:collect(a:temps) : []
-function! s:execute_tmux(dict, command, temps) abort
- let command = a:command
- let cwd = s:pushd(a:dict)
- if len(cwd)
- " -c '#{pane_current_path}' is only available on tmux 1.9 or above
- let command = join(['cd', fzf#shellescape(cwd), '&&', command])
- endif
- call system(command)
- let exit_status = v:shell_error
- redraw!
- return s:exit_handler(exit_status, command) ? s:collect(a:temps) : []
-function! s:calc_size(max, val, dict)
- let val = substitute(a:val, '^\~', '', '')
- if val =~ '%$'
- let size = a:max * str2nr(val[:-2]) / 100
- else
- let size = min([a:max, str2nr(val)])
- endif
- let srcsz = -1
- if type(get(a:dict, 'source', 0)) == type([])
- let srcsz = len(a:dict.source)
- endif
- let opts = $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS.' '.s:evaluate_opts(get(a:dict, 'options', ''))
- let margin = stridx(opts, '--inline-info') > stridx(opts, '--no-inline-info') ? 1 : 2
- let margin += stridx(opts, '--border') > stridx(opts, '--no-border') ? 2 : 0
- let margin += stridx(opts, '--header') > stridx(opts, '--no-header')
- return srcsz >= 0 ? min([srcsz + margin, size]) : size
-function! s:getpos()
- return {'tab': tabpagenr(), 'win': winnr(), 'cnt': winnr('$'), 'tcnt': tabpagenr('$')}
-function! s:split(dict)
- let directions = {
- \ 'up': ['topleft', 'resize', &lines],
- \ 'down': ['botright', 'resize', &lines],
- \ 'left': ['vertical topleft', 'vertical resize', &columns],
- \ 'right': ['vertical botright', 'vertical resize', &columns] }
- let ppos = s:getpos()
- try
- if s:present(a:dict, 'window')
- execute 'keepalt' a:dict.window
- elseif !s:splittable(a:dict)
- execute (tabpagenr()-1).'tabnew'
- else
- for [dir, triple] in items(directions)
- let val = get(a:dict, dir, '')
- if !empty(val)
- let [cmd, resz, max] = triple
- if (dir == 'up' || dir == 'down') && val[0] == '~'
- let sz = s:calc_size(max, val, a:dict)
- else
- let sz = s:calc_size(max, val, {})
- endif
- execute cmd sz.'new'
- execute resz sz
- return [ppos, {}]
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- return [ppos, { '&l:wfw': &l:wfw, '&l:wfh': &l:wfh }]
- finally
- setlocal winfixwidth winfixheight
- endtry
-function! s:execute_term(dict, command, temps) abort
- let winrest = winrestcmd()
- let pbuf = bufnr('')
- let [ppos, winopts] = s:split(a:dict)
- call s:use_sh()
- let b:fzf = a:dict
- let fzf = { 'buf': bufnr(''), 'pbuf': pbuf, 'ppos': ppos, 'dict': a:dict, 'temps': a:temps,
- \ 'winopts': winopts, 'winrest': winrest, 'lines': &lines,
- \ 'columns': &columns, 'command': a:command }
- function! fzf.switch_back(inplace)
- if a:inplace && bufnr('') == self.buf
- if bufexists(self.pbuf)
- execute 'keepalt b' self.pbuf
- endif
- " No other listed buffer
- if bufnr('') == self.buf
- enew
- endif
- endif
- endfunction
- function! fzf.on_exit(id, code, ...)
- if s:getpos() == self.ppos " {'window': 'enew'}
- for [opt, val] in items(self.winopts)
- execute 'let' opt '=' val
- endfor
- call self.switch_back(1)
- else
- if bufnr('') == self.buf
- " We use close instead of bd! since Vim does not close the split when
- " there's no other listed buffer (nvim +'set nobuflisted')
- close
- endif
- execute 'tabnext' self.ppos.tab
- execute self.ppos.win.'wincmd w'
- endif
- if bufexists(self.buf)
- execute 'bd!' self.buf
- endif
- if &lines == self.lines && &columns == self.columns && s:getpos() == self.ppos
- execute self.winrest
- endif
- if !s:exit_handler(a:code, self.command, 1)
- return
- endif
- call s:pushd(self.dict)
- let lines = s:collect(self.temps)
- call s:callback(self.dict, lines)
- call self.switch_back(s:getpos() == self.ppos)
- endfunction
- try
- call s:pushd(a:dict)
- if s:is_win
- let fzf.temps.batchfile = s:fzf_tempname().'.bat'
- call writefile(s:wrap_cmds(a:command), fzf.temps.batchfile)
- let command = fzf.temps.batchfile
- else
- let command = a:command
- endif
- let command .= s:term_marker
- if has('nvim')
- call termopen(command, fzf)
- else
- let fzf.buf = term_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, command], {'curwin': 1, 'exit_cb': function(fzf.on_exit)})
- if !has('patch-8.0.1261') && !has('nvim') && !s:is_win
- call term_wait(fzf.buf, 20)
- endif
- endif
- finally
- call s:dopopd()
- endtry
- setlocal nospell bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nonumber
- setf fzf
- startinsert
- return []
-function! s:collect(temps) abort
- try
- return filereadable(a:temps.result) ? readfile(a:temps.result) : []
- finally
- for tf in values(a:temps)
- silent! call delete(tf)
- endfor
- endtry
-function! s:callback(dict, lines) abort
- let popd = has_key(a:dict, 'pushd')
- if popd
- let w:fzf_pushd = a:dict.pushd
- endif
- try
- if has_key(a:dict, 'sink')
- for line in a:lines
- if type(a:dict.sink) == 2
- call a:dict.sink(line)
- else
- execute a:dict.sink s:escape(line)
- endif
- endfor
- endif
- if has_key(a:dict, 'sink*')
- call a:dict['sink*'](a:lines)
- endif
- catch
- if stridx(v:exception, ':E325:') < 0
- echoerr v:exception
- endif
- endtry
- " We may have opened a new window or tab
- if popd
- let w:fzf_pushd = a:dict.pushd
- call s:dopopd()
- endif
-let s:default_action = {
- \ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split',
- \ 'ctrl-x': 'split',
- \ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' }
-function! s:shortpath()
- let short = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':~:.')
- if !has('win32unix')
- let short = pathshorten(short)
- endif
- let slash = (s:is_win && !&shellslash) ? '\' : '/'
- return empty(short) ? '~'.slash : short . (short =~ escape(slash, '\').'$' ? '' : slash)
-function! s:cmd(bang, ...) abort
- let args = copy(a:000)
- let opts = { 'options': ['--multi'] }
- if len(args) && isdirectory(expand(args[-1]))
- let opts.dir = substitute(substitute(remove(args, -1), '\\\(["'']\)', '\1', 'g'), '[/\\]*$', '/', '')
- if s:is_win && !&shellslash
- let opts.dir = substitute(opts.dir, '/', '\\', 'g')
- endif
- let prompt = opts.dir
- else
- let prompt = s:shortpath()
- endif
- let prompt = strwidth(prompt) < &columns - 20 ? prompt : '> '
- call extend(opts.options, ['--prompt', prompt])
- call extend(opts.options, args)
- call fzf#run(fzf#wrap('FZF', opts, a:bang))
-command! -nargs=* -complete=dir -bang FZF call s:cmd(<bang>0, <f-args>)
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-unlet s:cpo_save
+++ /dev/null
-" File: gtags-cscope.vim
-" Author: Tama Communications Corporation
-" Version: 0.4.1
-" Last Modified: September 10, 2014
-" Copyright and license
-" ---------------------
-" Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Tama Communications Corporation
-" This file is part of GNU GLOBAL.
-" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-" the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-" (at your option) any later version.
-" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-" GNU General Public License for more details.
-" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-" along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-" Overview
-" --------
-" The gtags-cscope.vim plugin script integrates the GNU GLOBAL source code tagging system
-" with Vim using cscope interface.
-" Installation
-" ------------
-" Drop the file in your plugin directory or source it from your vimrc.
-" To use this script, you need the GNU GLOBAL-5.8 or later installed
-" in your machine.
-" Usage
-" -----
-" First of all, you must execute gtags(1) at the root of source directory
-" to make tag files. Assuming that your source directory is '/var/src',
-" it is neccessary to execute the following commands.
-" [Load vim]
-" $ cd /var/src
-" $ gtags
-" $ vim
-" [Load gtags-cscope]
-" :GtagsCscope <ENTER> (in vim command line)
-" Basic command
-" -------------
-" Then you can use cs commands except for the 'd'(2) command.
-" Profitable commands are assigned to keys like follows:
-" explanation command
-" ----------------------------------------------------------
-" Find symbol :cs find 0 or s
-" Find definition :cs find 1 or g
-" Find functions called by this function (not implemented)
-" Find reference :cs find 3 or c
-" Find text string :cs find 4 or t
-" Find egrep pattern :cs find 6 or e
-" Find path :cs find 7 or f
-" Find include file :cs find 8 or i
-" You can move tag list using:
-" Go to the next tag :tn
-" Go to the previous tag :tp
-" Pop tag stack :pop
-" About the other tag command, you can see the help like this:
-" :h tagsrch
-" Enhancing command
-" -----------------
-" You can use the context jump function. To use this function, put the cursor
-" on a word and type <C-\><C-\><C-]>.
-" If you can use mouse then please double click on the left button.
-" To pop tag, please type 'g' and click on the right button.
-" Configure
-" ---------
-" You can use the following variables in $HOME/.vimrc.
-" To use the default key/mouse mapping:
-" let GtagsCscope_Auto_Map = 1
-" To ignore letter case when searching:
-" let GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case = 1
-" To use absolute path name:
-" let GtagsCscope_Absolute_Path = 1
-" To deterring interruption:
-" let GtagsCscope_Keep_Alive = 1
-" If you hope auto loading:
-" let GtagsCscope_Auto_Load = 1
-" To use 'vim -t ', ':tag' and '<C-]>'
-" set cscopetag
-if exists("loaded_gtags_cscope")
- finish
-if !has("cscope")
- echohl WarningMsg |
- \ echomsg 'Gtags-cscope: ' . 'This vim does not include cscope support.' |
- \ echohl None
- finish
-" global command name
-let s:global_command = $GTAGSGLOBAL
-if s:global_command == ''
- let s:global_command = "global"
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Auto_Load")
- let GtagsCscope_Auto_Load = 0
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Auto_Map")
- let GtagsCscope_Auto_Map = 0
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map")
- let GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map = 0
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Quiet")
- let GtagsCscope_Quiet = 0
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case")
- let GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case = 0
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Absolute_Path")
- let GtagsCscope_Absolute_Path = 0
-if !exists("GtagsCscope_Keep_Alive")
- let GtagsCscope_Keep_Alive = 0
-" Display error message.
-function! s:Error(msg)
- if (g:GtagsCscope_Quiet == 0)
- echohl WarningMsg |
- \ echomsg 'Gtags-cscope: ' . a:msg |
- \ echohl None
- endif
-function! s:GtagsCscope_GtagsRoot()
- let cmd = s:global_command . " -pq"
- let cmd_output = system(cmd)
- if v:shell_error != 0
- if v:shell_error == 3
- call s:Error('GTAGS not found.')
- else
- call s:Error('global command failed. command line: ' . cmd)
- endif
- return ''
- endif
- return strpart(cmd_output, 0, strlen(cmd_output) - 1)
-function! s:GtagsCscope()
- "
- " Get gtagsroot directory.
- "
- let gtagsroot = s:GtagsCscope_GtagsRoot()
- if gtagsroot == ''
- return
- endif
- "
- " Load gtags-cscope.
- "
- set csprg=gtags-cscope
- let s:command = "cs add " . gtagsroot . "/GTAGS"
- let s:option = ''
- if g:GtagsCscope_Ignore_Case == 1
- let s:option = s:option . 'C'
- endif
- if g:GtagsCscope_Absolute_Path == 1
- let s:option = s:option . 'a'
- endif
- if g:GtagsCscope_Keep_Alive == 1
- let s:option = s:option . 'i'
- endif
- if s:option != ''
- let s:command = s:command . ' . -' . s:option
- endif
- set nocscopeverbose
- exe s:command
- set cscopeverbose
- "
- " Key mapping
- "
- if g:GtagsCscope_Auto_Map == 1
- if g:GtagsCscope_Use_Old_Key_Map == 1
- " normal command
- :nmap <C-\>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-\>t :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-\>r :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-\>g :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-\>P :cs find f
- " Using 'CTRL-spacebar', the result is displayed in new horizontal window.
- :nmap <C-@>s :scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@>t :scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@>r :scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@>g :scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@>P :scs find f
- " Hitting CTRL-space *twice*, the result is displayed in new vertical window.
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>s :vert scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>t :vert scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>r :vert scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>g :vert scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>P :vert scs find f
- else
- "
- " The following key mappings are derived from 'cscope_maps.vim'.
- " (The 'd' command is not implemented in gtags-cscope.)
- "
- " normal command
- :nmap <C-\>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-\>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-\>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-\>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-\>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-\>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-\>i :cs find i <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
- ":nmap <C-\>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- " Using 'CTRL-spacebar', the result is displayed in new horizontal window.
- :nmap <C-@>s :scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@>g :scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@>c :scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@>t :scs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@>e :scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@>f :scs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@>i :scs find i <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
- ":nmap <C-@>d :scs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- " Hitting CTRL-space *twice*, the result is displayed in new vertical window.
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>s :vert scs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>g :vert scs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>c :vert scs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>t :vert scs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>e :vert scs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>f :vert scs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@>i :vert scs find i <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>
- ":nmap <C-@><C-@>d :vert scs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
- endif
- " tag command
- :nmap <C-\><C-n> :tn<CR>
- :nmap <C-\><C-p> :tp<CR>
- :nmap <C-n> :cn<CR>
- :nmap <C-p> :cp<CR>
- " Context search. See the --from-here option of global(1).
- :nmap <C-\><C-\><C-]> :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>:<C-R>=line('.')<CR>:%<CR>
- :nmap <2-LeftMouse> :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>:<C-R>=line('.')<CR>:%<CR>
- :nmap g<LeftMouse> :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>:<C-R>=line('.')<CR>:%<CR>
- :nmap <C-LeftMouse> :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>:<C-R>=line('.')<CR>:%<CR>
- " The following mappings are unnecessary, because you can use the default mapping.
- ":nmap g<RightMouse> <C-t>
- ":nmap <C-RightMouse> <C-t>
- " Short cut key
- :nmap <C-\><SPACE> :cs find<SPACE>
- :nmap <C-@><SPACE> :scs find<SPACE>
- :nmap <C-@><C-@><SPACE> :vert scs find<SPACE>
- :nmap <F2> :copen<CR>
- :nmap <F3> :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>:<C-R>=line('.')<CR>:%<CR>
- :nmap <F4> :cclose<CR>
- endif
-if g:GtagsCscope_Auto_Load == 1
- call s:GtagsCscope()
-command! -nargs=0 GtagsCscope call s:GtagsCscope()
-let loaded_gtags_cscope = 1